View Full Version : Passport

20th Sep 2005, 20:02

Hey Guys. Thanks for replying to my previous post. I asked that question because I'm trying to explore all the options of getting my Italian Passport and getting my license converted to JAA. See I've been arguing with the Italian Consulate in Canada for over a year now to recognize my Italian Citizsenship (through my mom and dad who were born in Italy) but everytime I go to the consulate (I'm on my 10th time) there's always a different excuse; either I forgot a paper....or a signature is missing, or the building was too hot so everyone went home, or they thought they were picking the new pope and they closed. It's actually getting ridiculous now. I mean I've been goign to Italy every year since I was a kid, and I know Italian's are quite laid back, but in Canada they're just ridiculous. So I'm looking at either:

a) Just going to live in Italy until they give me a passport.

b) PAY SOMEONE off to give me a passport

c) Join the military

PLEASE HELP. I'm going to pull my hair out, and I need advice.

Ohh also, my dad's cousin is il sindaco of his hometown and my dad's other cousin was the former minister of railroad transportation if that helps.


tarjet fixated
20th Sep 2005, 20:26
Such an agony chasing a rightfully demanded passport would have definitely put me off in regard to moving over here....imagine what could await you if you started dealing with the local CAA for your JAA conversion...not to mention the actual relocation process with all its burocratic and time consuming traps.....
Keep this country as a holiday destination, enjoy it for a few weeks and leave it for greener pastures.

20th Sep 2005, 20:29
UB6IB9 check your PM's