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View Full Version : once finished uni, finacial problems

20th Sep 2005, 19:29
I'm just going into my final year at uni. Once I have passed I will eventually want to apply to go on the integrated course at OAT.

Basically I just live with my mum who is in a not particularly highly paid job due to a disability so unfortunately there won't be much financial help from mum (although she would give all that she could!!)

Would the only really option for me to work for as long as possible to earn the extra to the 50K (loan from HSBC) which will be needed to study at oxford.

Would it be benificial to get a job in the aviation industry, would look better on the CV i suppose and was planning on being something like a ramp operative when leaving uni, but is it particularly well paid??

The funding to do the course is by far the biggest worry for me and am considering if it is even worth applying for even though piloting is trhe only really job I have ever wanted to do!!

20th Sep 2005, 21:54
im in very similar situation. i live at home, and dont have a father, in a council house, which means the bank has nothing to take away should i be unable to repay a loan.

I saved my student loan, which paid for my recent basic training. Im going to try get through my atpls on my overdraft and money from work.

hopefully il be able to get a £20,000 loan from somewhere, I doubt it will be a professional studies loan. Probably be a normal commerical bank loan, just at a pretty poor interest rate.

if you want to get money asap, my advice would be to go for a job that pays better. Im looking for work for the now when I do the ATPLS, I cant start them until I have the money from that.

Here where I am, the ramp jobs are not that far above the NMW. More if you are in dispatch but neither are particularly well paid.

Its soooooo blinking frustrating!! Hopefully we'll make it one day :-) good luck


21st Sep 2005, 14:54
Geordie- get on the rigs! Not for everyone but starting salary about £25k, 6 months of the year on a rig so living absolutely free! And then when you're at home just spend the minimum. Help your mum out, one night out a week, no car, no expensive clothes or computers.

Know the feeling boys, stick in, make some sacrifices and the rewards will be worth it!

21st Sep 2005, 19:01
It was ever thus!

I do wonder at the wisdom of taking on the debt for the Oxford (APP?) course, but I suspect that going the APP (or CTC) routes may be one of the very few ways left you can borrow the money you require to complete the fATPL. It's a shame - there are many cheaper ways of obtaining the fATPL, but the unsecured HSBC loans for modular courses seem to have dried up, if recent threads are to be believed.

Howver, there are many people who've been through the Wannabe mill who've entirely funded their courses through work and savikng - taking on up to three jobs at a time in between modules of their courses. It's not easy, but they've come out the other side with little or no debt and an fATPL.

Think about it. Debt isn't the only answer, but it requires serious determination and fortitude to do it the other way.
