View Full Version : Kuwait Lear 31A

Check 6
20th Sep 2005, 14:26
A corporate operation in Kuwait has been advertising on and off for 9-12 months for a Lear 31A co-captain and now for a Lear 31A FO. The pay started off about six months ago at 120K USD, and is now at 70K USD.

This position involves flights to Iraq.

There is something wrong here. A friend and I, both high time LearJet Captains with extensive Intl. experience applied, and initially they were very interested, then ignored both of us.

I do not know what the hidden agenda is here, but buyer beware.


20th Sep 2005, 17:35
If the operation you refer to had anything to do with PWC, then a colleague has an interesting story. His oppo, with whom he last worked in Saudi on Al Yamyam for BritWasteOfSpace, was recruited by PWC to start-up an interesting Cessna Caravan operation. To cut a long story very short - said individual, after the totally-non-aviation-aware "HR" side of that company tried changing ALL the terms of service to bring them in line with a typical US-based Caravan freight (!) operation, voted with his feet last week. Company management, when they learned of his decision, tried to persuade him to stay and were left very clear on what they could do with their "organisation". Little birds did mention that a Lear was one of the ideas being booted around in the early days...

20th Sep 2005, 17:39
Guys, I have also seen the ads.....And by the way the airplane.
It is parked on the West Apron in OKBK....Been there for a while.Saw it last week....