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View Full Version : Scotty the elite needs a job? aka Ding Dong the witch is dead

Evil Ultralights
19th Sep 2005, 06:39
Is a Vale required for T&^ G#* Flights, who bought us such entertainment in the form of L39 accident at Goulburn and Military Pilots rule better than anyone else plus more.

Rumours are rife. Can anyone confirm, deny or comment otherwise?

Rumours appear to be true and apparently their ex staff members are seeking employment. Some Creditors have apparently lodged claims against them in the local courts to recoup wages owed to them, others hang in hoping they will be paid sometime in the future.

Their downfall is alledged to be linked to the alledged troubles of the Sterling Group (big building conglomerate). Has anyone got a copy of the Financial Review (or other) article about this?

They are intermittently answering their phones although their website is still operational.

Attempts to book a flight through them have resulted in mixed results. Either yes, we are booked until December though or we are taking no more bookings, take your pick. They alledgedly have more than 100 flights for punters who have paid to fly.

So does anyone have a job for Captain Scotty the elite and his friends?

I wonder is A Current Affair know? For more entertaining reading http://www.pprune.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=172443&perpage=15&pagenumber=1

Evil Ultralights

19th Sep 2005, 09:48
Unless you have facts freely available in the public domain Evil, you are embarking on a very dangerous journey!


Fiesty Ferret
26th Sep 2005, 06:00
An acquaintance had a flight booked for this weekend. T*& G*^ has told them there is a problem with the plane and the weather is preventing it being repaired. They will not give the person another date. Now they do not answer the phones. The machine picks up the call saying they are on another call.
Shonky or what?

27th Sep 2005, 10:57
Personally, I'd be asking for a refund pronto!:*
No point waiting until the administrators are appointed:mad:

Fiesty Ferret
28th Sep 2005, 08:50
Yes, they have tried to get a refund. No-one will take the call. The phones go to message bank. This has been going on for a week now. I think they may have to wait in line I'm afraid.


29th Sep 2005, 03:26
Is this the same elite pilot I witnessed trying to get airborne with a cement tie down attached to his aeroplane or the same elite pilot who kept doing low level aerobatics over airshow crowds and this couldn't be the same elite pilot who wrecked 2 L39 canopies could it? It must be because he seems to destory everything he puts his hands on!........take a hint Scottmaster; Turkeys were never meant to soar with eagles....we have a truckies job available if your interested!:ok:

Captain Sand Dune
29th Sep 2005, 04:28

Angels Three Five
30th Sep 2005, 20:57
Is this the same elite pilot I witnessed trying to get airborne with a cement tie down attached to his aeroplane
Well I wish you would get your facts right because you mentioned the word trying back there,, she actualy did get airbourne !

Buck Rogers
2nd Oct 2005, 02:05
So who said cement can"t fly