View Full Version : Inflation Surcharge

Werner Schnitzel
19th Sep 2005, 06:13
Press Release

Inflation Surcharge

It is with ze utmosten regretten zat Werner Schnitzel, an experienced und respected Ostereichen flieger for the aviation company Emirates Airlines, has been obliged by ze market forces to impose an inflation surcharge on his salary from his employer.

Zis regrettable decision has been made after ze Airline imposed fuel surcharges on all tickets due to ze rising costs of fuel.

It is zerefore normal, ja, zat if a service provider can charge more from its customers because its own costs have increased zat an employee may place a surcharge due to ze rising costs incurred working for zis company. Is it not so? Is ze company not ze customer of ze professional services zat we, ze respected und professional fliegers, provide zem?

From ze 1st October, a surcharge of 25% of my basic salary will be levied.


Werner Schnitzel


19th Sep 2005, 07:51

ROFL!!!!! Sehr gut, leider werden das die wenigsten verstehen...
Good luck anyway

Werner Schnitzel
19th Sep 2005, 09:48
I only post zis today and already I get ze funfe sterne!! Das ist gut, ja!

19th Sep 2005, 10:51
hey! Ze German is back!! Great idea Werner, maybe if we all compile a letter and send it in, it might get something done?

Inflation surcharge, I like it!!

19th Sep 2005, 13:46
Dear Werner,

We du not no wat u r wonting or needing. Eef u wont to tork to the manigemont u must tork in inglish like us.

The Manigemont

Good idea though; I think you need to mention that a measure such as this will be cost neutral because it will just be putting us back where we were 3 years ago. Also mention the precedence that all of the other government employees got it 3 months ago.

If we are lucky we might get a 25% increase in the 'banana allowance' mentioned on another thread. Hang on 25% of nothing is.....still wonting, still needing!:ok: