View Full Version : "Spam" job applications!

17th Sep 2005, 22:09
It seems to me that I have ended up on some list as a helicopter operator. I´m getting endless e-mails from hopeful pilot position applicants from all over the world asking for job.

The e-mails are very generic in nature and the sender has obviously not done any research on the company he is apllying for job with.

I would like to advise everyone looking for a pilot position to put a little research into your application and not just mindlessly send out "spam" mails to operators around the world from a postlist.

There is nothing more irritating than getting those mails and it´s not a good idea to irritate a prospective employer!

Anyone else out there that has had the pleasure of getting these mails?

I always have a habit to at least send a short reply to any application I receive with some advice that might help the applicant. Like if I have heard of any job openings in his area or pointers on his resume but if the applicant doesn´t even bother to investigate and include at least the company name in his application then I´m inclined to reply with same disrespect!

17th Sep 2005, 23:24
... almost as good as having people call you and ask you for a ticket for a sightseeing trip in a JU 52 though the name of your company clearly says "Helicopter Service" :{

18th Sep 2005, 16:12
Silly me, I thought this was a thread describing job applications found in the US, in a 'Jasper Carrot Insurance Claim sketch' kind of way!
