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View Full Version : Air Alps selection

17th Sep 2005, 17:02
Hi guys!

I have been invited to the second round of Air Alps selection, they say it is a computer based personal questions....
3-4- h test...... does any of you know how is it done ? or did it before?

All answer are well appreciated guys!

Have e great day all!


21st Sep 2005, 11:16
Hi guy!

I´ve got also an invitation. And I think there are tests like at Tyrolean. I guess about ten tests. And your are done. When are you in Linz?


21st Sep 2005, 11:22
Is german a requirement for Air Alps?

22nd Sep 2005, 07:49
No German is no requirement for AAA. The test are also in English. And at the test there where a lot of Italian guys.
The jobs are for a seat in Italy and not in Austria.

22nd Sep 2005, 09:01
Ciao Guys,
I am a AAA f/o if you need some info about the selections I coud help you.
Buona giornata Mario!:)

23rd Sep 2005, 08:58
Ciao Mario!

please check your private mail,......I have a domanda for you...

I did the selection yesterday, I hope to meet you in the next future!

Have a great day,


23rd Sep 2005, 09:59
As opposed to.. the previous future? :p Sorry, couldn't resist.

So are they only inviting Italians for these positions?

23rd Sep 2005, 11:50
That's for sure, the new pilots will have the base in Italy!

23rd Sep 2005, 20:30
Hi everybody.

Asking to those who went through CV mailing & screening: do they reject any application that doesn't feat MCC among the ratings? I am looking to take it with an operator training center. I think it would be a nice pre-selection tool for them...and hepl me to put a foot in the door! Please give the name of the chief pilot or anyone who can say "yes" within, pm I you prefer. I wanna give it a try soon...

blue skies


4 Lovis: what about 208s? still doing business with belizian? I have sighted WOP somewhere but I think that they are really time-loosers...

31st Oct 2005, 10:25
Ciao a tutti, I've been to Linz for the sim check last week.

31st Oct 2005, 17:46
Hi gabo!

How was your SIM-ride? I was also in Linz last week.

greets, pepe

2nd Nov 2005, 09:13
Ciao pepe319, the sim check was ok, but i don't know nothing about the company, kind of contract and salary.
I'm rated in Atr42 payed by myself, and of course i don't want pay another turboprop rating.

2nd Nov 2005, 11:21
Hi gabo!

You have to pay the typerating by yourself and it will be repaid by the company within 3 years.
We will see how the decide.

9th Nov 2005, 11:59
Ciao Pepe319, did you get any news?
Did you approved the sim check?

10th Nov 2005, 17:50
Ciao Gabo!

check your PM