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View Full Version : 737 hours (Why pay!)

16th Sep 2005, 19:30
I find it heart breaking, that young pilots and even pilots in general, have to pay for hours on the 737 or any aircraft so they can gain the time they require for an interview or a position.

How things have changed.(Its all about money now!) And the passion for this profession of ours I know is what drives so many of my colleagues to do this.

Well my idea is simple and this is it.

If you are fully qualified and have a type rating on the 737 or what ever the aircraft may be then do what thousands of pilots from europe, america, australia e.t.c. did years ago. Look for a job in Africa guys, I have met many senior pilots who have told me about their stay in Africa, all flying with top airlines around the world now, and they ere all here building hrs. Some still come down.
There are many companies looking for pilots with a type to get on the right seat. Especially with the increase in traffic and the arrival of so many aircrafts into this continent, its gone wild here and by the grace of God things will stay like that and even improve as time goes by.

Do not be turned off by negative information and let me categorically state here that right now a lot of expat pilots are flying with us down here and doing just ok, many take time to adjust and get things together, but with the help of the local pilots you get to carry on just fine. ( Pilots we are just like any other pilot from other parts of the world, passion to fly, and having great fun with each other and telling passionate stories about events here in our aviation community, just like when we meet in the training schools all around the world!)

The pay might not be as you might find in Europe and others but you will find that it will get you by in africa tremenduosly well, and you will get flying time, believe me you will.

I know some guys out here now who are doing just that right now, and they are just fine.(Another just left after 1000's of hrs logged) Got an email saying his up for a popular british low cost carrier.

It will help those who are interested to scan through the african forum here on pprune and you will find that there are some really great chaps there who will gladly put you through on info on who is employing and all that. Dont be put off with those ones that will give you all soughts of negative answers, some expats who are on the continent here have formed groups to bring in friends and etc... thereby sending negative remarks to scare off would be potential pilots.

Find out who is recruiting, get phone numbers, ask to talk to the CP and be polite, if you get a good response then for goodness sake get out there and let them see you in their building. Most of the airlines in africa have their offices around the airport area or in the airport vicinity itself. Dont be put off by petty remarks stay on top of it. Also make sure when you arrive you come on a day flight and have the address of your embassy, so you can go there first, tell them you are around and what you are doing in the country.(Also ask them about ere most of the expats hangout, they do know about them joints and bars, cos most embassy staff hang out there too) Go straight to the airport and let the airline know you are here. By the way if you see or observe some ladies working in that office talk to them about hotels and transport etc, over time I have found them to be quite helpful when it comes to good honest info on those issues just to be on the safe side. Now I'm giggling, but it is important afterall you might just be new here and I know you need to make sure you are doing the right thing and not find yourself vunerable to all soughts.

You will easily recognise your fellow countrymen in the airport area in flight gear or even discussing with local pilots, do not be hesitant to approach them. They will tell you ere to stay and e.t.c Most foreign pilots in african countries have their favourite hangouts apart from the general ones we all go to so look into that too.

I wish you all the best, and before you pay for those hours take a good look around, the world is a small place, I have trained and flown with pilots from all over the world, we are all the same guys and if there is a way some of us down here can help then we sure will.

Well I hope this helps somebody out there, you can surely find something else to do with the money for hour building and in the same time make some great friends too in other parts of the world, I know I did.

Just try guys and all the best.


19th Sep 2005, 18:47
Sorry about the delay in replying some of your mails guys, been kind of busy but will get back to all of you by the end of tonight.

Thanks for the kind words.


20th Sep 2005, 00:13
Why pay for 737hrs instead of going to Africa? Well, lets put it this way.......

Paying big bucks to get a 737 TR and pay more big bucks to pay some crap Slovakian airline to give you the pleasure of riding shotgun in their Easyjet cast off = not very appealing at all.


Going to some war torn, AIDS infested jungle hell hole to grovel for a job flying a knackered C206 overloaded with dubious medical supplies for a pay check that will probably bounce = not very appealing at all.

Guess it's a toss up then.... Crap Slovakian airline it is!

20th Sep 2005, 07:58
I must disagree, my best flight experience was flying in Africa and the pay was not that bad.

20th Sep 2005, 20:49
Me having a ball down here!!! Aids :ooh: :ooh:

Fair_Weather_ Flyer

My "friend" I see very clearly from your comments here to Balewa that you evoke the character of a caucasian with a terrible breakdown of various mental and emotional functions involving reasoning and assigned meanings. Sadly, people like you work and function in the everyday life of this profession of ours. (baffles me though)

Your post here clearly demonstrates paranoid-related disorders which if I might add includes mistrust, taking offense easily and also a defensive attitude in response to imagined criticism, you also give out an impression of someone preoccupied with hidden motives.
Inability to relax, argumentative, abrupt, stubborn and being self-righteous I imagine all sum up your daily life.

You definetly need some behavioral therapy which would hopefuly help in reducing your sensitivity to criticism and on the other hand help in improving your social skills.

Please find help soon.

20th Sep 2005, 21:14
Well, ZAZOO, I guess not everyone gets the English sense of humour! Sorry if I hurt your feelings.

The Balewa "motivational" post is very nice and everything but a phrase about rose tinted spectacles does spring to mind. It also conflicts with some of the reports I have heard from people who have worked out there. Although they did have good things to say as well.

21st Sep 2005, 09:45

Iīve been always interested in flying in Africa, no matter what the country is. The only problem for me is that it seems to be very difficult to find some info, contact details, etc... I spent many time doing a research and found few of them, mainly the biggest operators, and sent my cv several times.
Read many times in this forum that you need to knock at the door to get into an airline in Africa, so I was wondering how did you get that job and if you can give me some advise. Post me in private if you donīt want to post your 'personal details' in the forum.

Best regards and thank you in advance.


21st Sep 2005, 12:22
Nice post ZAZOO,

couldn't have put any better.

Fair_Weather_Flyer, dont drag good English humour into this, your comments are just plain stupid and seems to come from someone who doesn't have a scooby doo on what Africa is about, end of story. I get the impression your the type thats glued to CNN all day. Anyways bk to the topic.


your ideas are good, its just that most African Airlines wouldn't let fresh foreign F/O's to fly for them, you need to be bringing something into the pot rather than taking out of it. Hence the reason why you would mainly see experienced(on type) Capt's flying here. If that wasn't the case, Africa would be a good place to build time for a lot of guys.

Now bush flying, aerial photography, stuff like that. Thats open to people willing to come over to Africa and build their time. There obviously a few exceptions to the rule.