View Full Version : T fly go-around at EMA today

14th Sep 2005, 19:21
On leaving EMA today by car saw Tfly763 at 300ft before going round at having another go. Any ideas?

14th Sep 2005, 19:27
are you not embarrased leaving posts like this 757pilot? next will be "pilot seen going into toilet, any ideas?"

14th Sep 2005, 19:30
Bearcat I asked a simple question regarding an event I saw today. If you have nothing pleasant to say then remain quiet.

14th Sep 2005, 19:40
Bearcat, I don't think 757pilot has anything to be embarrassed about. You, on the other hand...

almost professional
14th Sep 2005, 19:43
nothing unusual about go-arounds, busier you are, tighter the gaps, more chance it just doesnt work-or crew may not have been happy with the final phase of the approach-does happen!

14th Sep 2005, 20:01
Thread was moved here at 1932Z by senior modbod. Since then 'Reminder 2' is in force.

If any of our children would like the thread copied to JB so they can be witty and clever with it there, let me know. Otherwise 2 options:

Answer the question or leave it alone:mad:
(Last two contributors excused.:D )

Doors to Automatic
14th Sep 2005, 21:45
757pilot - Don't know for sure but would suspect it was down to aircraft ahead still on runway. The weather was good today and they are usually on ILS when 27 is in use so unlikely to be an alignment issue.

14th Sep 2005, 23:21
i catered that aircraft today, was concerned to the reasons for its go-around, maybe it was getting confirmation by the tower over its landing gear (but that sounds too serious and there was no big deal). I reckon it just had a bad approach and so carried out a missed approach. The thomson fly wasnt late and no probs were reported on ground that i know of.

Le-Slat Disagree
15th Sep 2005, 00:20
757Pilot, it was the 757 not the 763.

No problems with the gear/"bad approach"/ATC etc...

The go-around was due to a large flock of crows on short finals.



P.S. Such a shame when people try to be funny and fail. :rolleyes:

15th Sep 2005, 09:22
It's slightly disconcerting when a 75 driver thinks a 75 is a 76 !

15th Sep 2005, 09:34
Was the "large flock of crows on short finals" able to land safely, or did they perform a go-around too?

15th Sep 2005, 15:29
Were they squawking?

Sorry, I'll get my coat.

15th Sep 2005, 15:50
Its ok so far, boys and girls - keep it humorous and we'll be ok.:ok:

No comment
15th Sep 2005, 16:34
Did it come in with one "feathered"?

15th Sep 2005, 16:51
That's why I had to clean the car again!

15th Sep 2005, 17:08
Ah good so the go-around was nothing to "crow" about? :O

ps Its nice to see a question asked and answered nicely - even though I myself have been in umpteen goarounds, they still pike my interest too when I see them occur

15th Sep 2005, 17:54
I think 757driver should give bearcat the bird!!!:D

15th Sep 2005, 19:32
Thanks for the help guys.

El Grifo
16th Sep 2005, 16:55
Just ignore bearcat. He is raven mad !!!!

:cool: :ok: :cool: