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View Full Version : Looking for Pilots to hour build in Ireland

12th Sep 2005, 12:49

Having just returned from an absolutely disasterous trip to California I want to try and build a few hours at home. I'd really like to meet up with other hopeful commercial pilots to arrange some cross countries.


12th Sep 2005, 13:29
Sorry to hear your trip to CA didn't work out too_sleepy, I remember reading your thread before you left and was interested in hearing how you got on.

I'd be interested in joining you for a few cross-countries. I'm hoping to finish up my PPL in the next month or so and then start the ATPL's. I'm looking at my hour-building as a treat for when I'm finished the exams - I'll need the motivation!

In the meantime though, any time in a cockpit is time well spent - logged or not - and I intend to do some occasional flying to keep the skills up while studying.

I've dropped you a PM anyway.

12th Sep 2005, 13:53
Sorry to hear of your misfortune too_sleepy - was it a school related problem?

14th Sep 2005, 09:43
So what happened in the States then? I'd be interested to know because I'm just about to sign on the dotted line with a school in San Diego!


14th Sep 2005, 15:57
On topic guys, can i ask why one would need a partner to undertake cross country flights with? Just curious, as i know you need a 300nm solo flight for the cpl.Would a partner be pursuing you some distance behind, undertaking their cross country or just hours building as conor_mc mentioned?
Many Thanks!

14th Sep 2005, 18:40
Probably just wants some company?


14th Sep 2005, 19:01
there's only so much you can do in a 172 on your own for 100 hrs!

Pole Hill
14th Sep 2005, 19:05
Oh do behave gaypilote :)

15th Sep 2005, 08:54

No partner needed as such, but in my opinion if you're going to be flying cross-countries on your own (QXC's excepted) you may as well offer the seat to a like-minded person who will offer you the same in return so that you both benefit from the experience.

In that way, you may only be logging the hours you pay for, but you're both building your experience and you're also working together as a crew - those all-important CRM skills! :)


15th Sep 2005, 09:43
I see! That sounds good, never knew you could do that.thanks for the info conor_mc.
Best of luck!

15th Sep 2005, 18:34

conor_mc hit the nail on the head. I will be undertaking some solo flights but as the PIC criterea allows someone alse in the AC I'd like to use an extra set of eyes, the skies over Maynooth get pretty busy. My experience flying in Ireland is limited so any local knowledge would be a great help.

It was school related trouble. I managed to get some flying with an excellent local club. As with all clubs they run at a slower pace than schools so the few hours I was getting wasn't worth the expense of staying in San Diego.

From the guys I spoke to in the club they liked the schools and clubs around Montgomery Field.
Is that where you're headed TJF97?


15th Sep 2005, 22:29
No I'm thinking of going to the JAA school at Gillespie Fields, heard anything about them?

26th Sep 2005, 13:11
Sent you a PM TJF97

26th Sep 2005, 15:12
too_sleeply, I've sent you a reply,


27th Sep 2005, 00:30
If you are interested in doing some cross country flying (not CPL training) you may want to take a look at the Airport flying club at Dublin Airport. An extremely well run club with two excellent 172s.
It would give you some great experience also operating out of an international airport.

All the details are on the website, you will have to become a member and do a check ride with an instructer to get signed off to operate on your own, but it will be worth it.
