View Full Version : How much experience to aim for?

Gingerbread Man
8th Sep 2005, 12:37
Many, many apologies if this has been done to death before - I have seen a similar post in the past but couldn't find anything when I searched.
I was simply curious to know what sort of flying experience it is best to accumulate if I am aiming for an airline job. I am currently at university, so I will have a couple of years before I apply to any scholarships or training organisations, and I will want to fly in that time. Should I just do the minimum to keep my PPL, or should I do things that involve flying with an instructor so that I don't begin to develop bad habits. I have already signed up for night flying at my flying school, assuming (perhaps wrongly) that this would be 'useful' experience. I have about 50 hours TT.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Ginge ;)

8th Sep 2005, 13:14
The kind of expereince you're talking about really won't come into play at all for airline employment. Sponsorships (well, conditional job offers, no such thing as sponsorship now) will benefit from having abit of flying expereince, but a PPL is ample. You'd probably be better off saving your money until you start your commerical training.