View Full Version : BA, flight intl

4th Sep 2005, 12:43
morning ppl (people not license). I was browsing the forums and I came across a post saying that BA had recently advertised in Flight intl for sponsorship places. I have no way of getting this magazine as none of the newsagents/bkstores nearby stock it. Does any one know if this advert for sponsorship vacancies is still running and does any one know if it can be applied for online. I checked their site but could not find a clue. It's as if they never update it. Thanks.

btw I'm a student and I just got my A-level results. I'm planning on studying economics at uni but I am on a year out as I need to save money for uni. Any sort of trainning would be beneficial in this year out, whether it be on site airport duty or just aviation related. I'm in Leeds. UK

4th Sep 2005, 14:24
Despite BA still referring to their sponsorship scheme on their website (https://www.britishairwaysjobs.com/baweb1/?newms=info127), this scheme is not currently in operation and has not been so since 2001. There are currently no plans in the public domain for it to be reintroduced, and thus it's highly unlikely that there were any advertisements for it.

What BA are advertising for is qualified, direct-entry pilots from both civilian and military backgrounds. We know from anecdotal evidence that they are also trawling the various schools for ab-initio pilots who've achieved their frozen ATPL.


4th Sep 2005, 18:32
I have no way of getting this magazine as none of the newsagents/bkstores nearby stock it.
You can read FI online, try

Flight International (http://www.flightinternational.com)

FI Jobs (http://www.flightinternational.com/jobs)

4th Sep 2005, 19:08
Not really helpful to your post, I know - but any decent newsagents can order the publication for you, or you could subscribe to it, or you could ask a fellow student attending 'uni' to buy it for you as he/she passes through the railway station on the way in.

Have to say though, subscription costs a small fortune (but is it an investment towards your desired career with B.A.? (probably not)).

4th Sep 2005, 19:38
Subscription is a bargain at £43 a year as a registered student. Go for it.

5th Sep 2005, 21:08
Thaaaaaaaaaank you very much for the speedy and useful replies. I'm going to take a year out, then after uni, apply for a sponsorship through the CTC scheme. I know working hard will pay because I'll love the day when this is the shot of my office


Thank you.