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2nd Sep 2005, 17:05
Just a little curious as to if Aer Lingus will be recruiting over the next year or two?Anybody got any insider info?


3rd Sep 2005, 19:50
Hell yeh! - crews maxed out on hours, captains flying together due to lack of FO's, planned long haul expansion. Pilots have got to come from some where! (we don't have them!)

3rd Sep 2005, 19:57

Any idea who the recruitment contact is in Aer Lingus?


4th Sep 2005, 13:42
The 45 cadets who were fired post 9/11 will be taken back first( i guess) so who knows what the recruitment situation will be.Although, I would.nt bank on that being the case:confused:

4th Sep 2005, 18:14
Hell yeh! - crews maxed out on hours, captains flying together due to lack of FO's, planned long haul expansion. Pilots have got to come from some where! (we don't have them!)
If this is a fact, then why would they not make sure those cadets are being trained and put on the line more quick?
Or maybe they have found work elsewhere?

Maybe it's worth it just to send the documents in.

9th Sep 2005, 18:50
As an ex-EI cadet I can tell you that most of us are all in jobs elsewhere. Ryanair, easyJet, BA and BA regionals, Cityjet, Aer Arann, etc.

Rumour within EI at the moment is that any hiring in the near future will be on a contract basis.

9th Sep 2005, 21:38
Is it likely that they will take an Englishman?


10th Sep 2005, 10:25
Peter O'Neill - is the contact for flight crew recruitment. Mind you, despite being responsible I doubt he is thinking that far ahead yet. Firefighting is his concern at the moment. We are short of crews, despite the spin in the past to prove otherwise.

As regards the cadets being the first to be taken on first, as far as I'm aware, thats not strictly true. Perhaps Lemon, can add to that.

We do have a provision after the 'survival plan' to take a percentage of contract co-pilots, if we start recruitment. I would say that if any recruitment is to take place, it will be a combination of contract co-pilots and type rated direct entry co-pilots.

Once the last of the conversion training of the 737 pilots is complete, the company plans to command check all co-pilots with six years+ service. This is due to start early next year. With the aim that they will have an available pool of pilots ready to move to the left hand seat when needed.

Once the long haul fleet and finance is sorted out, that will definitely soak up more pilots.

As regard Englishmen? No problem, in the past they have taken on anybody who had a licence and the right to work in europe. Traditionally, alot of English did return back to the UK though. Probably missing that warm beer!

10th Sep 2005, 20:03
"Captains flying together due to lack of FOs". Are you sure it's not "Captains flying together because they're all 146 ex-ers with no slot to go to"?. Connies in the cockpit! That'll be the day. Roll on the yellowpacks and no more of your restrictive practices.
regards from the toolshed

12th Sep 2005, 14:38

Your right that there are the ex-146 Captains still flying in the right seat. Most of these guys/girls elected to bide their time on the A330. Movement is taking place again and some are now back in the left hand seat of the A320.

But other Captains (non ex-146!!) are still being caught together due to lack of FO's.

12th Sep 2005, 20:09
Is demand for the 330 high among EI Pilots? Would anybody here like to post a roster and paint a general picture for us of what its like flying for Aer Lingus?

Just curious

12th Sep 2005, 22:09
There are no two-stripers left and probably not much prospect of any returning to the fold from the "special leave" crowd.The cadets are all either picked up elsewhere or gone from the job. I'd imagine there's not too many Airbus-rated guys out there without a job,either. I'd happily trade my spanners for an Airbus sidestick anyday. Maybe, this time, their Airships upstairs won't have any choice but to start recruiting. Guess it's time to clean my nails and polish my CV...