View Full Version : Wihout prejudice

31st Aug 2001, 10:34
So who has removed my string "H500 pilot takes law into own hands and why" The information quoted was one hundred percent correct.Very disapointed!!!!

31st Aug 2001, 19:13
I too am disappointed. I have dealiings with the fellow involved and was becoming more and more surprised at the revelations made. I contacted one of the moderators, but he states he knows nothing about said removal. Start it again!

Howling Mad Murdock
31st Aug 2001, 21:03
Yes, Come on, own up!
Perhaps it was Mr Jellytot himself!

TOT are you from EGBJ then?

1st Sep 2001, 11:40
I didn't remove it,I have been advised that the thread was "removed for legal reasons". Does this mean that he has friends in high places?.It does mean however that people who want to know the truth will remain guessing at the antics this person is capable of.

1st Sep 2001, 21:13
I missed the first string, but was told of its contents, I have had a number of delaings with the person in question & have no doubt that it is all true!
I doubt if he has friends in high places, but I guess he would like to think he has!!
Does anyone know his mum or dad? Has he got a mum or dad?

2nd Sep 2001, 18:17
I didn't remove the thread, nor did Helidrvr.
We don't know who did, or why.

The Saw
6th Sep 2001, 16:35
I'm quite sure we all know who the "insignificant Little Tick" is who threatens every man adn his dog with legal recriminations at teh drop of the hap (or school cap in his case)

The only thing he suffers from apart from delusions of grandeur is a terrible malaise called "raging short mans desease" and an inferiority complex brought on by being a total faliure at everythig he does.

We've all suffered him at woodford and gloucester and his comuppance is surely imminent

Thomas coupling
6th Sep 2001, 19:19
C'mon TOT put it back in again....can't wait to read it! :eek:

6th Sep 2001, 19:47
No, sorry - still don't understand any of this (as with the original thread). Is there a link to a relevant news story so that someone many miles away from Gloucs can follow what's going on here?

7th Sep 2001, 01:47
Well guys I now know who removed the original popular thread.Unfortunately
following communications with the powers that be,I can no longer make comments,(as much as I would like to). I do know that the interest in this thread has not yet died and many people would like it reinstated.I have a strong feeling that almost identical info will reappear somewhere else within the very near future. Keep a lookout!! :cool: :D