View Full Version : Heli piloting health problems...

2nd Sep 2005, 09:42
I'm interested to know what health problems are suffered by long term heli pilots. You know, those old boys who are in the saddle all day every day. Does anyone suffer from any knee or joint problems attributed to control movement ?

2nd Sep 2005, 11:06
Probably depends on what you are susceptible to, mine is lower and upper back pain, particuarly right shoulder if on a long leg with no autopilot.


2nd Sep 2005, 11:23
Sciatica down the back of my left buttock. Doesn't seem to affect the right side....yet.

2nd Sep 2005, 11:39

You don't happen to keep your wallet in your back pocket do you?;)

All joking aside, I was spending about 20hrs a week in my car and started to suffer with sciatica. Went to see my doctor and he asked me the same question. I did keep my (very thin)wallet in my back pocket, I stopped and so did the sciatica:D


2nd Sep 2005, 12:31
I suffer from a worn out right knee on my trouser leg. Its a failure of the R44 T-Bar, you end up resting your hand on your knee, and you can definately see after a while where it rests.

I guess I should by a second pair of trousers


B Sousa
2nd Sep 2005, 13:32
Cant drink as much as I used too and the women look at me like Im an old man.............
Wallet in the back pocket would probably hurt, but my ex-wife emptied it so its not a problem. new wife uses credit cards.......

2nd Sep 2005, 15:24
I don't have any evidence to substantiate this but sometimes I think Jet fumes make me dill and lustless.
Also am suspicious that too many hours sitting in light pistons mustering with too few opportunities for yoga classes (stretching exercises)may have shortened my hamstrings which in turn has given me a sway back which in turn causes me back pain.
Not forgetting either the pterigium in my left eye caused by years of exposure to clear, bright Aussie sunlight and not wearing decent sunglasses.
Theres also just a chance that the crown padding in my helmets has caused my hair there to fall out.:sad:

I'm pretty sure the hypochondria is hereditary though.:ok:

2nd Sep 2005, 15:34
Lots of North Sea pilots suffer from bad backs, shoulder problems, neck problems and hearing loss.

2nd Sep 2005, 16:06
...and the heavy wallet syndrome.

2nd Sep 2005, 19:05
Huh? Whaddayousay?

I maintain Helicopter Pilots should get a Brass Ear Trumpet instead of a Gold Watch for a Retirement gift.

Bad knees....bad posture...bad hearing...bad back....bad attitude....all directly caused by hellicopter flying. The failing eyesight....well who knows what causes that?

Plus side....A liver that looks like a Rugby Football from all sorts of fine wine, good beer, and old peat juice.:ok:

2nd Sep 2005, 19:15
When I was in high school they used to tell us that....well, never mind, I think you've figured it out by now.

Maybe moderation is the key.

2nd Sep 2005, 19:15
Skin Cancer, you spend so much time in the sun in those wide cockpits, I've seen that a lot around here since its pretty sunny most of the time.

Insatiable desire for very cold beer.

2nd Sep 2005, 21:01
I saw something on tv (or might have read it) recently about research that's being done to try and cut down on the physical injuries construction drivers (like diggers, dumper truck drivers, etc) suffer in the long haul driving over bumpy construction sites. Lots of lower back problems, etc. I think the research was being done by Qinetiq, but I could be wrong. I thought at the time that might have some application to the helo industry.


2nd Sep 2005, 21:12

A while back I started a thread about helicopter seats.....and the general thoughts were there ain't been a good one yet. (Yes...Nick....we know....) Bell Helicopters alone has crippled more pilots than old age with their concept of what a seat is supposed to be.

Any real study of helicopter seats would condemn the industry.

One man's opinion here.

2nd Sep 2005, 21:48
I think I must talk gibberish because my damn students don't do a thing I say.

Chopperpilot 47

2nd Sep 2005, 21:49
Just call me Tommy

(Deaf, dumb and blind kid, sure plays a mean pinball...). :8

3rd Sep 2005, 14:08
The most common health problems that a career helicopter is A.I.D.S. ..... Acquired Income Deficiency Syndrome!

3rd Sep 2005, 14:22
I thought that was "Aviation Induced Divorce Syndrome"?


3rd Sep 2005, 14:28
Personally I suffer from left side sciatica and high tone deafness in the left ear. The deafness can be attributed to gear box whine.
I must try removing my wallet to see if the sciatica is reduced in severity.