View Full Version : Katrina headed for New Orleans

crop duster
28th Aug 2005, 14:16
During the night Katrina was upgraded from category 3 to a 5 and appears to be headed for New Orleans. I bet the guys in the gulf are working overtime today, even the single engine birds. ;) A lot of the crews were probably brought in yesterday. JUst guessing but the ones left are tying everything down and waiting for the last beach bird. We 're over 200 miles inland and the forecast is for 60 mph gust tomorrow.


B Sousa
28th Aug 2005, 16:46
No doubt, somebody is truley going to lose a Mobile home.
Folks down that way are pretty tough, they face those storms every year. They always seem to stick together, shed a few tears at the damage and get back to hard work.

28th Aug 2005, 16:58
You're right Bert, they are tough. I am involved with the post hurricane operations every year and it just breaks my heart to see the devastation caused. Losing everything you own to a wind or a flood is just unthinkable but it happens and they recover eventually. Katrina, however, looks like a whole new dimension to me. A cat 5 hurricane bearing down on New Orleans which is below sea level....I think we are in for some terrible news from that area.

28th Aug 2005, 17:12
I'm currently out in the Gulf of Mexico on a drill ship attempting to out run Katrina to the West and watching the storm with great interest. It seems that a Cat 5 Hurricane (keep in mind she is still building) would take New Orleans off the map and make the city a lake. Being a young 30 years of age, I can't remember a storm of this magnitude hitting a heavily populated area, so I shutter to think of the devastation that will be left behind to clean up. My prayers are with everyone that is going/is involved with this storm.

28th Aug 2005, 17:45

Glad to hear you are still out and about in the Gulf...made Toolpusher yet? Give a shout to yer Dad and Mom.....stay off the weather decks while running in that storm! Raw bacon sammies...with lots of grease helps with the Mal-de-Mer!:ok:

28th Aug 2005, 19:53
New Orleans webcam:
