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View Full Version : Floating Runway in Japan

28th Aug 2005, 05:59
Yomiuri Shimbun said that Tokyo and Washington are considering building a giant floating runway on the sea off Iwakuni.

This will allow U.S. forces' to carry out night-landing practice in an effort to reduce noise pollution.


henry crun
28th Aug 2005, 08:20
A floating runway is not a new idea.

Seriously proposed by Geoffrey Pyke during WW2.

16 blades
30th Aug 2005, 05:24
...maybe they could anchor one in the middle of the Atlantic to use as a div when BOTH Kef and Lajes are sh1te.....


30th Aug 2005, 09:24
One in the E Med would be very helpful - we could use it and AKT wouldn't have to disturb their party with the inconvenience of having to open up ever.