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View Full Version : RAF to scrap resettlement entitlement

Vage Rot
26th Aug 2005, 21:25
heard a bad rumour that the RAF is set to scrap the entire resettlement package under the new pension/terms of service?

Anyone hear anything about this, info a little lacking here in the desert!

27th Aug 2005, 06:52
I don't believe the RAF can unilaterally scrap the entitlement. As far as I know, resettlement package is tri-service and all Forces agree the finance/procedure; one cannot change anything without the agreement of the others.

Are you sure the rumour didn't come from a bar discussion along the lines of 'you watch, the bean counters will get rid of the resettlement package next'?

Devil's Aardvark 8
27th Aug 2005, 08:45
Yes, I heard the same thing. Not from a discussion in the bar though. FJJP is right that they can't universally scrap the entitlement. The idea is for a 'dilution', with most of the academic side of resettlement being taken when you have actually left the service and on a 'Stipend appropriate to the length of service completed'.

As far as I understand it the outcome will be that personnel will take their resettlement once they have finished their service and it won't be the armed forces that take on the responsibility for resettlement but for a local government agency. You would still receive a 'wage' but it would be more training than subsistence.

Don't know if anyone else out there can throw any light on the matter.

Vage Rot
27th Aug 2005, 11:26
Cheers Devil's Aardvark8

pretty much confirms what i had heard,

So, the longer you serve the better the resettlement package, hopefully not diluted too much but watch this space! Will be placements at dodgy inner city schools and polytechnics next!!

Regards from the sandy place

Vage R

27th Aug 2005, 12:02
Will any changes be "cost neutral"? I bet not.

Still, I've spent mine and left now! :D