View Full Version : R44 type rating while hour building?

26th Aug 2005, 12:02
Im going for my loan soon, and Im trying organize how much I'll need.

I'd like to get a rating on a r44, and to save money, Im wondering, while im hour building towards the CPL, can I do the conversion then, and use the hours towards the CPL? or will only r22 hours go towards the CPL?


26th Aug 2005, 12:32
Don't forget ratings are expensive to upkeep - rather like a classic car - even if you never drive it, you gotta keep taxing it !


26th Aug 2005, 12:57
didnt think about that :ugh: , how many hours and how often do you have to fly to keep it current?

26th Aug 2005, 13:14
Take a look at my thread thinking of doing a CPL, it's on the third page back,

I reckon doing a 44 rating is and excellent idea, plus I believe the rules for keeping a type on 22/44 have changed recently and you only have to do them alternate years to keep them valid, but might be very wrong on this

27th Aug 2005, 09:41
The rule change regarding LPC's is for single engine turbine type ratings not piston engines.

As you are unlikely to get any commercial work with so few hours your money might be better spent getting your instructor rating on the R22. Good luck with your CPL

27th Aug 2005, 18:31
Thanks Billy, I'm budgeting for an instructor rating too, as that seems to be the only way for a job, with little experience, like you said.

At the school Im flying at, they have 44s and use them for 'moving' people and there instructors fly them too, so I guess my reasoning would be that, an instructors rating and a 44s would look good to ye olde guy hiring :D

Ive read your post Jemax, you make it seem so easy :} congrats also :ok:

27th Aug 2005, 20:13
Thx for congrats, 44 rating best thing I did, almost freeish flying time, plus it's nice to have the company and cruise at a more proper speed.

My CPL arrived in the post this morning, it's real £45k for a bit of paper, god bless the CAA ;)