View Full Version : The Long Haul

the aviator1977
24th Aug 2005, 13:22
Dear All,

Having read countless posts in this forum I thought it was time for me to express my opinion on the whole employment situation.

But first, I quickly introduce myself.

I'm 27 yrs old (28 next month) with 330 hrs TT which is made up of 250 hrs (fATPL) plus 60 hrs UAS plus 20 hrs RAF flying scholarship.

I passed the MEIR first time in March 04 and completed the MCC in May 04. Since then I've been job hunting for that lucrative pilot positon. I know its hard to get that first job but I remain positive and I believe that I will succeed. In my opinion, a pilot shortage appears to be getting closer. In the last 3 weeks, I have been called for selection with 3 airlines. If none of these opportunities work out I'll keep on plugging away. I'll never give up. I believe that to succeed in anything in life one must adopt a PMA.

The concern that I have is regarding the negative comments posted on this forum. I'm not referring to any in particular ( as there are too many), just generally. I just don't see the point in them! Realistic yes but negative NO! I realise that the majority of pilots are nice chaps an chappesses and that it's the minority who are negative. I would like to ask them to think carefully about what they are about to write and ask themselves whether it is beneficial to anyone.

I wish EVERYONE the best of luck in realising their ambition and to keep a PMA.


The Aviator1977

24th Aug 2005, 15:12
3 Interviews!!! You lucky bitch!!

I've been waiting for my break for ages!!!
Over 1500 hrs (instructing) and sent out approximately 500-600 CV and application forms over the last 3 years, But I've never had an interview! Or been offered an interview!!!

I also have passed all my ATPL's exams first time with 1st times passes on MEIR etc ...

Is this cos I is Asian!!! Don't the airlines like Asian pilots !!!
Or I'm I just bitter??!!

I have had my students that I have taught getting airline jobs before me, now flying nice shiny 737-800

Flying Squirrel
using Jamestkirk ID cos I'm not a member of PPRuNe

24th Aug 2005, 15:37
Have to agree here. The wannabe forums definatley have a depressing bias to them. Come on you lot, cheer up and be positive.

Best of luck with the 3 interviews. Chances are you'll get one of them (don't suppose you want to spill the beans and tell us who they're with ?)

24th Aug 2005, 17:00
Jameskick/squirrel...are you indian asian or chinese asian? if you can get residency for india or HK (via parental rights) then you will walk into a job with low hours with the new operators

25th Aug 2005, 08:55
My asteemed colleague (flying squirrel) is definately asian. I know this because he is standing right behind me at this moment.

As for me, I am as white as a sainsburys bag. Although, from Irish descent.

25th Aug 2005, 11:05
Flying Squirrel

I would have thought being Asian would have helped you get hired as large companies have to comply with employment laws with regard to the numbers of ethnic people employed within their organisation.

I know when BA used to advertise for their sponsored cadet scheme, they would place ads in many ethnic publications such as the Asian Times etc and usually hire some cadets from an ethnic background.