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View Full Version : 3 weeks on line and...........

23rd Aug 2005, 22:47
"3 weeks on line and I have my first problem with flight deck......he doesn't see the point of my paperwork (security checklist and flight report) and refuses to take it!

I feel so demeaned and worried that Ops will be wondering where my paperwork is (not being in the Flight paperwork envelope). I dread having to fly with him again.......

What shall I do? What would you do?"

Squealing Pig
23rd Aug 2005, 23:42
I assume this is a Capt. (could be wrong!) could you discretely hand it to the F/O or keep it and hand it to another Capt. on a different duty. Would this help ?

24th Aug 2005, 00:06
I wouldn't worry about ops asking questions.

Every airline has it's Capt.'s that have a similar reputation.

I'm ground crew, and when our 'special' Capt. deliberately caused a delay, our ops people were more than understanding. in fact they even suggested the dealy code. (-94, Cpat. XXX is a ******)

25th Aug 2005, 17:05
This is a problem. If the SOP's say he should take it and he doesn't then there is a breakdown in the system that needs to be resolved. Now you have been put in a position where you may get into trouble for just trying to do your job because he isn't doing his (I am assuming this 'cos I don't know what the requirement is in your company). Strategies you can utilise are:
1. Talk to the senior cabin crew in your team
2. Submit a report anonymously if you company has such a facility
3. Talk to your safety/security department or the pilot who is involved in safety/security/CRM issues. I am sure he will back you up.

As you know, certain documents are required to be retained after a flight for up to afew years for audit purposes etc. This should be resolved. Good luck!

25th Aug 2005, 17:35
Easy, at the time he refuses to sign anything, just say with a smile "No problem then, but I will have to mention that you refused to sign it while I complete my voyage report/trip record"!!! Once you have covered your ass then your covered!


You could whip out your mobile and just say you will give Ops a quick ring to make sure its ok to go without the paperwork signed because the captain refuses to sign it without valid reason! That usually shuts them up! Fortunately you will only find a handfull of idiots like that!

gallie girl
30th Aug 2005, 00:34
I think ops probably knows this Cpt? is a moron... so it wouldn't suprise them if the paperwork wasn't signed. He is treating you very unfairly and probably because you are new also. He is just throwing his weight around so to speak.

Talk with some of the other FAs and see if they have the same problem. Or if it is really stressing you out, call your line supervisor or flight attendant manager, they then might speak with the cheif pilot on your behalf.

The guys a toss and i bet that majority of the other pilots and FA's loath flying with him.. Don't worry mate there always has to be one major co@k and he just happens to be it

You could always put visine eye drops in his coffee on the last leg of a flight..and maybe he will get caught in a traffic jam on the way home from work and get a sudden bout of diarhoea.. (oh so naughty)

Good luck with the career and don't let this particular person ruin it for you...


gallie girl

Hand Solo
30th Aug 2005, 01:31

You could whip out your mobile and just say you will give Ops a quick ring to make sure its ok to go without the paperwork signed because the captain refuses to sign it without valid reason!

Of course you wouldn't dream of doing that on a BA aircraft because you are familiar with FCO 137, aren't you? Be careful of giving unsound advice!

30th Aug 2005, 07:49
You could always put visine eye drops in his coffee on the last leg of a flight..and maybe he will get caught in a traffic jam on the way home from work and get a sudden bout of diarhoea.. (oh so naughty)
Not so much naughty - more, an incredibly stupid and criminal act. This suggestion turns up periodically as a means for Cabin Crew to punish those passengers or Pilots who in some way offend us. It is deeply depressing to think that any trained Cabin Crew member could stoop to poisoning (for that is what it is) anybody else, or that another trained crew member could promote this practise to a new-hire.
We often hear Cabin Crew complain that they would like both their employer, and the travelling public, to take them more seriously. Infantile behaviour is unlikely to change existing perceptions.

Nil further
30th Aug 2005, 08:04
Tight Slot

Its also a criminal offence ,which is more than likely to involve a criminal record ( bye bye job as no airside pass) or a spell care of her majesty .


30th Aug 2005, 08:34
And what if the pilot had some sort of major adverse reaction to the eye drops during the flight??? I am sure you wouldn't be laughing quite so hard then!!

30th Aug 2005, 09:05
Whilst I am sure you were being humourous .............and we should all be able to take a joke, I can only imagine how clever you must feel poisonong the people who will get you to the ground safely. Smart. I think it is a favourite trick of the flying rats cabin crew (at least from a few I have spoken too.....clearly though there are some very intelligent crew who would never dream of such a thing)

30th Aug 2005, 09:47
Gallie Girl,

That was one of the most stupid pieces of advice I have ever read on PPrune......:confused:

I really think your suggestion of trying to incapacitate the captain of the aircraft is literally a criminal offence.....I hope the moderator agrees with that. If someone came on this forum and made suggestions and gave advice about trying to bring down an aircraft in flight , we would never hear the last of it...........

Suggesting to poison the captain or anyone else onboard is absolutely unbelievable. You don't deserve the job


2nd Sep 2005, 14:48
Ah, yes Hansolo,
In which case I shall use the redcaps phone or the one on the airbridge!!! LOL!

PPRuNe Dispatcher
2nd Sep 2005, 15:25
I hope the visine-in-the-coffee comment was meant as a joke.


4th Nov 2005, 23:19

I know you ain`t worried about ops wondering where your security/flight report is!

They don`t know what it is anyway, lol !