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20th Aug 2005, 19:38
Bought microsoft simulator century of flight for my PC but wondering which joystick to get for it.

Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2 seems to be the most expensive by far!!!!

Any reccommendations for which to get?

20th Aug 2005, 20:11
I use a PC Line Tournament Pro which I picked up for a few pounds and does a decent job.

Even has a fire trigger in case you want to play Fighter Ace!

Conan the Librarian
20th Aug 2005, 20:12
It might be expensive, but it is bloody good and very well made.


20th Aug 2005, 23:54
If you can afford it, forget about the joystick, add some realism and go for something like the CH FS Yoke and Rudder pedals.

Ok, this combination will set you back around £200 (ish), but will help a great deal with flying (albeit in an MS world); you'll certainly learn hand, eye and foot coordination :)

If your budget doesn't stretch to that much, go for something like the Saitek X45/X52 - seperate throttle/stick controllers and stacks of buttons (if you like that kind of thing).

Hope this helps.

22nd Aug 2005, 08:31
The force feedback 2 is brilliant.

Ignore the shops, and have a look on E-bay. There are usually loads for sale on there, for a fraction of the shop price. It's where I picked mine up for £30.

22nd Aug 2005, 10:43
I've bought the microsoft sidewinder precision 2 on ebay today. hope this one will be Ok for it. will let you know.

The pedals etc would be great but I'm broke. might be on my xmas list though!

24th Aug 2005, 15:54
i have the thrustmaster top gun one and it is brilliant, the throttleis fantastic and the joystick itself is great.

26th Aug 2005, 11:30
Saitek X52 (Saitek (http://www.saitek.com/uk/prod/x52.htm)) really is the dogs dangly bits. You can program so much into it you very rarely need to touch the keyboard. It's a bit pricey but I managed to find one for £65 plus delivery.

30th Aug 2005, 02:04
Been a user of Saitek joysticks since the infamous Cyborg. Now in its latest incarnation, the Saitek Cyborg Evo. Very reasonably priced, and works well. Far better build than the Logitech at the same price range.

10th Sep 2005, 12:19
Just bought FS2004 for my laptop as a little treat after taking my first batch of ATPL exams.

I remember from past FS that the mouse could be used as a yoke by right clicking and selecting "mouse as yoke." I can't find it on FS2004 and don't want a joystick as its for my laptop.

Anyone know if its possible and how to do it?



14th Sep 2005, 11:47
AFAIK, no 'mouse as yoke' option for FS2004.

You could try flightsim.com or avsim.com for a home-made plug-in though - there's bound to be one out there somewhere.