View Full Version : Gas Turbine Engines

18th Aug 2005, 22:31
Hello all,

I am looking for some good reading material regarding gas turbine engine theory and fundamentals. There doesn't seem to be much out there. I have a few aerodynamics books but the sections on powerplants is a bit thin. Does anyone have any suggested reading material and have any idea where I can get it?? What is the Rolls Royce book like? Thanks in advance for any responses.

Sheep Guts
19th Aug 2005, 08:22
The Rolls Royce book is definitely worth purchasing. Also there is a similair United Technolodgies or Pratt and Whitney book as well. The latter I havent seen in book shops for awhile. Theres even a banner add on Prune right now about the Rolls book its new edition. The latest edition of which I cant comment on.


20th Aug 2005, 10:52
Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion by Philip Hill, Carl Peterson ISBN: 0-2011-4659-2. (Sadly silent on nozzle and fan choking). Absolutely for engineers and aviators.

Engineering Thermodynamics 4th Edition, Rogers + Mayhew, Longman, 1992, ISBN 0 582 04566 5 No shelf is complete without this masterpiece. (Earlier editions were bad for typos and one or two blunders so if buying secondhand check for errata pages).

Gas Turbine Theory (5th ed) , Saravanamuttoo, Rogers and Cohen ISBN:0-1301-5847X

This last book explains choking of both nozzle and fan satisfactorily otherwise Hill and Peterson covers the lot.

R-R book for the pictures.

21st Aug 2005, 11:35
Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion... Jack Mattingly (ISBN 0-07-114521-4) this is the work of a supreme showman which is to say that the treatment is rather shallow and not what it first appears to be but is a good primer, especially in conjunction with Hill and Peterson. Not good on centrifugal compressors or choking for that matter.

Aerodynamics Aeronautics and Flight Mechanics by Barnes McCormick (ISBN 0-471-57506-2) a good general text except on large aircraft for which you need...

Fundamentals of Flight by Richard Shevell (ISBN: 0-133-3906-08). As the inventor of vortilons, designer of the DC9 and mastermind behind the DC10 if Shevell says it, believe it.

Anything by GFC Rogers and/or Harry Cohen.