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View Full Version : Flight Attendants do it.......

17th Aug 2005, 05:33
Was on a flight today and one of my fellow crew pointed out a passengers shirt to the rest of the crew. It said "Gardeners do it with hoes."

We all thought this was pretty hilarious so for the rest of the day we were trying to come up with our own t-shirt slogan for flight attendants. The best we could come up with was "Flight Attendants get around." Pretty lame really. Can any Ppruners think of something better?

Oh and I have also heard that Psychologists do it on the couch......


17th Aug 2005, 06:21
ha ha, thats a good one!

Cant think of a good slogan myself, and this is a little bit off topic (sorry sky_hi!) but does anyone else look at passengers outfits and want to ask them where they bought their clothes?

I do all the time, there was a girl with some wicked boots on my flight today, but I didnt ask here cause I thought it might sound a little creepy!!


17th Aug 2005, 06:34
Friends of mine have an "in" joke and subsequently was given a T-Shirt at Xmas from them, which is pretty cool but i haven't had the gutts to actually wear it out yet...
remember the stick-figure men on shirts that were all the rage last year (ie. hammered, trashed etc...) well they gave me one that says...... "inflight service" with a pic of stick-figure FA leanining over a male pax insinuating?????
I thought it was very clever.. and it's actually a real nice navy blue muscle shirt

17th Aug 2005, 07:09
How about.... (Is this what you were after??)

FA's do it with a SMILE!!!...

FA's do it with their EYES open.....

FA's do it at 40,000ft.....

FA's do it on the straight and level....

FA's do it in the cruise....

FA's do it in the descent....

Fa's do it between terminals....

FA's do it pressurised...

FA's cannot 'step outside' and do it....

FA's do it with the lights on...

FA's do it serving 'tea or coffee?'

FA's do it 'walking up the aisle'...

Etc Etc..... :ugh:


17th Aug 2005, 08:50
Paulsyd, that sounds like the one from CrewTag.com (http://www.crewtag.com). They have a ton of airline-themed shirts (not advertising, just informing :} ) I really want to get the one that says "Shift Happens", as I'm forever telling people their bags are too heavy! :D

One for pilots, more than FA's, but "Pilots do it with flare" ;)

"FA's do it a 'mile high'" (yeah lame I know, but hey...)

or "FA's do it at Mach.XX" (insert figure here depending on how fast or slow-ass your a/c is :E

17th Aug 2005, 10:01
F/As do it...... going down.
....... with their legs in the air.

17th Aug 2005, 10:20
SkySista I'm lovin that site - can feel a spree coming along v soon :E

cheers ;)

17th Aug 2005, 13:00
One of my favourites is "Flight attendants are here to save your ass, not kiss it"


17th Aug 2005, 13:32
'Long haul stewards stay up longer':O

'Short haul stewards do it four times a day;) .......

........... if only!!!:D .


17th Aug 2005, 21:41
hostess with the mostess


17th Aug 2005, 22:22
How about .........

" Flight Attendants are only happy when their feet are in the Air...!!":hmm: :E

It's a saying I tend to use a lot........ ( don't read into this too much guys!!!)

19th Aug 2005, 18:26
how about

'F / A's do it mile high'


20th Aug 2005, 15:43
Hey, is that the website where everyone gets those bag tags from??? I can't find them anywhere on the website and I really wanna get one?!?!

21st Aug 2005, 19:33
Think you might look at www.crewtags.com


21st Aug 2005, 19:38
YAY!!! Thank-you so much! Now my bags will look cool too! :)

21st Aug 2005, 20:02
Oh God I feel even more shopping coming on!

8th Sep 2005, 15:19
FA take it up the aisle!

9th Sep 2005, 21:42
I found this suitable for Etihad crew

"Crew do it with a Sheikh" as in shake

10th Sep 2005, 19:00
F/A's do it the world over

F/A's do it up to 4 times a day

F/A's do it overnight

F/A's do it both ways

F/A's do it in uniform

F/A's do it non-stop