View Full Version : Airbus 317 contract

16th Aug 2005, 21:52
Just got offered a contract, copilot airbus 317, excellent terms and salary very competative. From what I've heard seems they will be needing a more pilots in the near future. Operating from LEMT with 10 317's and I even think they have an option for 3 or more 380's by 2010. Speaking a little bit of spanish helped me out during the job interview. Willing to learn papiamento a must (yeah, I thought they were joking too, but its even in the contract). Flight hours on cessna NG an advantage. I liked the cessna, but hope the airbus reacts a little bit more forgiving to nosewheel landings during my type-rating (starting next week).
PM for more information.

Regards, and hope to have helped.



16th Aug 2005, 21:59
copilot airbus 317

?!?? A317? I have not ever seen one, nor heard about it!

Did I miss something, is it just a typo, or a hoax?

16th Aug 2005, 22:04
its a320 without tcas

16th Aug 2005, 22:08
I've always wanted to fly the 317 - just attach the Flt Deck to the Tail, and miss out all the problems of Pax / Cabin Crew and Cargo :)

16th Aug 2005, 22:09
'tis a corker if he has indeed been caught out by someone offering him a type rating on a non-existant a/c.

If it does indeed turn out to be a hoax abovethebelow, thats just cruel and so I hereby offer you a job myself with my airline by way of recompense. I'll get you on the Fokker34 fleet as an FO within the week, it'll be the AGP to LAX route initially but if you speak English you'll be OK during your week off in Los Angeles before flying back. :ok: PM me your details and I'll get the contract in the post.

16th Aug 2005, 22:54

If you see this plane, wave, we dont have TCAS...

AtB :ok:

16th Aug 2005, 23:04

My german cousin Markus is the captain of that plane, the colours really fit him!

By the way... i think they're displacing the threshold on one of the paralell runways at LEMT because it was way too long for the 380 to operate. Could you shed a bit of light on this issue plz?

It's nice to log in and have a big laugh sometimes, thanks abovethebelow.


16th Aug 2005, 23:05
Must say, i saw the facilities in LEMT and for sure the A317 will be a good fit. and with the new asphalt on the runway the PCN has been upgraded aswell to assist the A380 when it's due to come to LEMT.

The A317 is as imaged above a very nice plane wich features the newest technologies available, necessary to dodge the 'hill' at the end of runway 26 and to compensate for the loss of lift induced by the little 'minivalley' at the beginning of that runway.

It sure is a challenge but most of the spanish pilots trained nearby are very proficient and qualified to handle the strains and stresses of such a breathtaking approach. Be aware, if you're going to put interest in this offer... there are risks, as the place is a magnet to crazy acro pilots without comms... be very aware of that before joining... this one, is only for 'the best of the best'

Cheers :E

PS: the reasonthey have no TCAS = LEMT is an uncontrolled airport with alot of planes without transponder so it would be usesless and dangerous anyway; us professionals use our eyes as TCAS anyway ;)

16th Aug 2005, 23:12
Ok, now I got it.

16th Aug 2005, 23:12
no probs pablo, that's what we're here for. For your information, they are thinking of installing steam-caterpults for the 380. The 317 has no problems with shortfield (the damn thing can really take-off like a harrier).

16th Aug 2005, 23:14
Not to mention its 'hook' :E

Maude Charlee
17th Aug 2005, 16:53
I suppose 317 ratings are half the price of a 320 rating.

Pity ATPL ground exams can't winkle out the dipsticks who get conned by this sort of guff, but at least it might keep them out of the flight deck for a bit longer which must be a good thing. :rolleyes:

Mister Geezer
17th Aug 2005, 20:04
Pity ATPL ground exams can't winkle out the dipsticks who get conned by this sort of guff, but at least it might keep them out of the flight deck for a bit longer which must be a good thing


I heard that MIAT Mongolian Airlines are a launch customer for the A317... You may be in the position of having two job offers!!! :D

Anyway back to the story... I would like to see the performance of the 'A317'.... would be good to see! Maybe my local flying club might get the A316 when it comes out!

17th Aug 2005, 20:44
A317? I have not ever seen one, nor heard about it!

Despite the p!ss-taking, there WAS an "A317" - a proposed Airbus aircraft to be developed in co-operation with Chinese manufacturers and tentatively designated the AE31X (http://www.airwar.ru/enc/aliner/ae31x.html) or AE317.

18th Aug 2005, 11:40

Can someone tell me what's the name of that company?
Thank You very much.

Grass strip basher
18th Aug 2005, 11:55
It looks like a "mini-me" of an A320!
and I bet it costs "one milllllioooon dolllars":D

Maude Charlee
18th Aug 2005, 16:36

I've still never got you back for that one! ;)

Still, if I recall, I rather politely turned him down. :O