View Full Version : The laugh and cry of aviation press reports

15th Aug 2005, 04:57
In my eyes, some press write-ups about aviation is just sad. With an obvious little or no aviation background, facts are often misrepresented and or twisted for sensationalism (probably) but the end effect is that aviation as a whole suffers in terms of credibility and stature. I refer specifically to the latest reports to 1-Time, etc.

I enjoy Hollywood flying movies, just to see what incredible flying stunt will be next. I mean, everybody knows that as the left engine fails, the hydraulic gauge needle spins round and round, or that if you are in a fighter jet with a flame out, you start punching the INS furiously. (two Hollowood movies).

Now I sometimes wonder why the trouble is not made to find out the real facts. With Hollywood one can understand as it is entertainment, but press services please! Get your act together and report properly on aviation, in the end the writer him/herself is scorned by the aviation public, who is much larger than you think.

16th Aug 2005, 22:32
The reason why is that we are witness to the demise in professionalism in the journalism world faster than CNN can lay their hands on so called aviation "experts". Experts that get paid by the minute for air time. Experts with agents that sell their experts viewability rather than his chosen field. Experts that cannot afford to say "Any speculation at this point would leave me with egg on my face, as sure as god made little green apples" because, for that, he would only earn $500 dollars. On the other hand if he could wade through a full 5 minutes of drivel, he could afford to pay his agent his full minimum retainer.
Have'nt you noticed that the facts are not important any more, but whether CNN etc can be first on the scene of the smouldering hole. As per their motto " First with the news". Maybe they should change it to "first with the bull **** , but dont worry when the real facts see the lights we would have covered two other smoking holes for you."
Maybe its because they regard aviation related news easy. Its allways news. Its always sensational. It always sell. You can always sell crap hotdogs to the masses, as long as you are there first. So they send their most inexperienced, trainees to the scene of the smoking hole, and if they get taken to task, claim " It was was not the intention of BSTV to mislead or misrepresent the facts in any manner, however we will correct it in due course. The persons responsible for the error will dissiplined accordingly." And of course if he or she has been warming the news directors futon, will be immediatly be moved to a senior anchor position.If not ...well.... The same problem we have with imposters in our profession. The good ones give up and go and build kitchen cupboards. The brown noses get on TV. Go figure.

ps Expert according to the book of Rob as follow. Expert, is a has been drip, under pressure.

Exhaust Manifold
18th Aug 2005, 08:31
It's sad that you can't even trust the news anymore. But i suppose like most things it's the glamour that really interests people and not the facts. :(