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View Full Version : Does a typre rating represent value for money ?

14th Aug 2005, 11:51
Leaving aside the rights and wrongs of buying your own type rating and the potential return on the investment, do you think a type rating course is good value for money ?

Typically a 737 rating will set you back £20-25k. How much of this is profit for the course provider. I can't think that the 1 hour in the jet can cost more than a few thousand (especially when shared with 6 other students). I suppose the sim training must amount to a few thousand also and then the cost of salaries, text books etc etc. What about the other £15k or so ? Is this is pure profit ?


15th Aug 2005, 13:48
starting from 20k in pounds? omg, you gotta search the web better, ratings 737ng are for sale starting from 16k in euro's.

Still is a lot of money, but simulator time is quite expensive. Slots need to be reserved, instructors need to be ready, examiners need to be there when u do your thing. Does that price you mentioned includes the touch and goes? In that case, 1000€ per touch and go. (more or less).

Quite intersting actually to know why the price is so high.
More insiders?

15th Aug 2005, 14:03
I think you'll find there is one lo cost operator making 7-8000 euros per type rating.

trainer too 2
15th Aug 2005, 14:27

Sorry but now seriously:
There is hardly any profit in Sim training. A good sim cost appr 500 Euro per hour a good instructor 500 Euro per session (minimium) cost of TRTO organisation cost thousands per annum, books, up to date CBT's.

The flight whether it is with 8 or 10 or 100 students: 6 t&G's cost always appr 6000 Euros

So no monster profits in any of it....


15th Aug 2005, 21:35
yeh that's why virtually all the TRTO's are jumping on the bandwagon, cos there doing it out of the goodness of there hearts ...............pull the other one !
