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shut that door
13th Aug 2005, 16:47
Not sure if this is the right place to post this? Myself and pals had a fantastic short flight with this company at the Eastbourne 2005 air show. I've been a passenger on other pleasure heli flights, but our skipper (never got his name) was brill, really friendly.

Although, we had to wait +30 mins while some CAA guy and one of the company pilots had to measure the grass area for the chopper to do a low level turn? I'm back tomorrow for another flight.

Love helicopters, got me hooked!

shut that door
13th Aug 2005, 21:23
Getting into this.......... Why is it when taking off you need to push the left pedal in American helicopters and the right pedal in non American craft?

13th Aug 2005, 22:07
Sorry Mr Door...that's a political thing you're asking.

American machines instinctively lean to the right and have to be brought back towards the left. European machines instinctively lean towards the left and...I'm sure you get the picture.

15th Aug 2005, 06:44
Thanks for the compliment and glad you enjoyed the flight.
As for the pedal used its all to do with the direction the main rotor turns. American & Brit anti-clockwise, Russian & French clockwise.
I wouldn't say the pilots name to protect the guilty.

15th Aug 2005, 07:41

Isn't it the other way around?


On another point which I don't understand:

You guys need the CAA to come out and measure something for a low level turn???

Now I've heard everything!

uncle ian
15th Aug 2005, 09:46

Didn't you know that CAA means Campaign Against Aviation? You wouldn't believe what cr*p we have to put up with in UK to get our jobs done.

I have been a Chief Pilot in the past; these days I just fly freelance because I can no longer put up with jumping through the hoops those bu**ers put up.

On the thread, delighted to hear from a satisfied "punter". Pleasure flying is much underrated and can be as much pleasure for the pilots as for the customers if you approach it in the right spirit. Sadly nothing else I have ever done has brought as much joy to as many people!

the coyote
15th Aug 2005, 10:31
You guys need the CAA to come out and measure something for a low level turn???

Haven't you heard about the Australian 9 inch rule.....:E

NOW you have heard everything......:ok:

uncle ian
15th Aug 2005, 12:48
Please tell, coyote, if it's printable!