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12th Aug 2005, 13:13
Well I have an inertview with AO coming up, and applications have now closed... any word on anyone getting an interview? Any rumours other than them wanting 2 x ground schools (32 ppl). Also whats the go with them recruiting, any girls got an invite, only know guys that have got in, and these 5 girls I know who applied, not one got an interview and they are all Cabin Crew with the red roo. Is there mat leave out of control or something? :confused: Cheers.

13th Aug 2005, 00:17
Hey Trollie,
Just wondering are u a preferred language speaker, do you have a friend from AO who recommended you, and do u currentlty work for the QF group?
The only reason i ask is that they were some of the questions asked on the application and a good friend of mine has applied but not heard anything yet... however his preference for an interview was Mel..
Hope you're able to shed some light on the matter...
And best of luck with the interviews.


wine o babe
13th Aug 2005, 09:34
have heard on the grapevine that around 60 people being interviewed this weekend/week in Cairns with nearly all of them language speakers. Has anyone without a language received an interview? If so are you from Cairns and what have you been told as appears to be a few stories circulating. Does anyone know when the "referred" candidates are likely to see an interview in the future?

14th Aug 2005, 06:42
Would be very interested to hear the outcome as well - I guess if the interviews have already been booked that means you'd have heard by now if there was a chance of getting in...that bites

wine o babe
17th Aug 2005, 04:47
Has anyone had an interview with A.O in the past few days and if so what have they said as far as where to from here? Doesn't seem to be too much said about the whole thing at the moment

wine o babe
27th Aug 2005, 10:42
Does anyone have any goss on the AO interviews ? All seems very quiet in this area. Am very keen to jag an interview but seems that you must be in the KNOW!!
Any info would be appreciated.

27th Aug 2005, 11:10
Hi Wine O Babe,

If you were counting on going through in the current recruitment, I think you may have missed out, as it's my understanding that the interviews have already taken place last weekend, or the weekend before.

I'm, guessing you will have to wait for when we next recruit. Did you apply on line within the specified time frame?

Best of luck with future recruitment.

RaverFlaver :)

28th Aug 2005, 13:00
hey ppl,...
what is the web site login page for AO? Will they e-mail to my personal e-mail account ? I cant seem to find that page...the web page wth one full red color:)...thanks

QF skywalker
28th Aug 2005, 22:21

I was under the same assumption until a friend had an interview just a few days ago.

The first ground school is planned for 10 SEP.

Safe Landings:D

29th Aug 2005, 05:27
Hi Aloyscious

The page you are after is:

or try:

then click "View Australian Airlines recruitment"

I'm sure you can use your own email address for registration purpose. However, the recruitment has closed for now, don't think you can register though. Hope this helps.

wine o babe
29th Aug 2005, 05:46
So if they have just done some more interviews , what have they been looking for? Do you need to have Japanese to get one ,or something else?
What are the future plans? Are they going to give AO more aircraft or is it just to fill a crew shortage?

30th Aug 2005, 04:13
QFskywalker, maybe they didn't find enough talent from the applications. Though, I thought they did? That's good news for hopefuls then that interviews are still happening.

Primarily they have been looking for applicants with language abilities, namely Japanese.

Not sure about future recruitment, this recruitment was to fill crew shortages. No aircraft coming that we know of.

Have a great day,

RaverFlaver :)

30th Aug 2005, 23:55
Apply to jet*
good source tells me AO to be wound down!
Better career prospects.

jet* to europe asia, no new annoucements for AO, the silence is deafning!

QF skywalker
31st Aug 2005, 01:10
Who says applying to Jet* will get you overnights in Rome ? Career Prospects ? Nothing has been announced yet.

Who says it wont be the Australian Airlines division who do the international services on behalf of Jet* ?

Who says AO won't be kept running ?

No-one has said anything officially yet.

31st Aug 2005, 01:13
"apply to J*"

If J* was to take over I wonder wher that would leave AO cabin crew??? would they be automatically offered positions? would they have to reapply for their jobs? can the company pick and choose?

how was it done with QFlink/Impulse??????

QF skywalker
31st Aug 2005, 01:40
The new AO eba has a clause which says something like - should AO be closed down staff will be dissolved back into the QF group. And...they will take seniority with them.

21st Sep 2005, 00:56
Can any of the current AO staff confirm if the below quote (from a post on another site) about AO recruitment is true?

"you have to be recommended.. annoying policy but you do. so if you want an ao job make SURE you have a language, recommendation and more in the 23-30 age bracket."

I know the recent recruitment was mostly for language speakers, but do you still have a chance without a recommendation??

Mr Seatback 2
21st Sep 2005, 04:19
Things are hotting up over this issue, but my advice is for everyone just to stay calm.

Getting worked up and angry is futile - especially in the absence of anything concrete or official.

Yes, we all know how the inner workings of QF and co. collude to upset employees, etc, but - until we hear anything for certain - let's just keep doing what we do best.

21st Sep 2005, 08:15
I know part of that statement is not true "you have to have another language". As my friend is going through in the next ground school and she doesn't have another language.
As for the other two points, I have no info about them. Yes they did ask for reccomendations however that doesn't gaurantee you a position.

Hope this helps somewhat.

Have a great night.

RaverFlaver :)

21st Sep 2005, 11:14
Well didn't get in, already work for red rat group, but its all good, a little unsettling all this JQ talk, I don't wanna end up on $35k a year with my head down a dunny on our 30 min turnaround in Bali, F&^K that for a joke... good luck to the rest. I know 4 asian speakers (and were also asians) got in from my group, 2 didn't even want it and have lets just say "long term goals", interesting, anyway would have been a great opportunity, I'll just stick to the dash! haha later.

Mr Seatback 2
21st Sep 2005, 13:00
Uhhh...trollies r go...

Thr truth is...

a) Jet* hosties earn closer to $40k per year minimum; and
b) What makes you think we clean dunnies?

Truth is, we don't touch the toilets. Except to go ourselves!

21st Sep 2005, 13:25
I'm making this post for anyone who has any information or rumours about Australian Airlines.

Can be wither positive or negative comments, thanks.

I had a recent interview with AO and still waiting for the results.:ok: :8

21st Sep 2005, 13:34
Thanks Raver...there seems to be a possibility of another recruitment drive which may or may not be happening in late october/early nov, according to the email that went out to some of us who applied earlier...time will tell i guess.

I do know a couple of pilots at AO but really not keen on the idea of getting an interview on someone else's merit, just doesn't seem right.

22nd Sep 2005, 00:10
Hey AIRBUS_GALLEY_GIRL you have your interview in CNS? I feel I have met you.... PM me if you wish, would like to ask you a question or too if your interested! Cheers! :ok:

wine o babe
3rd Oct 2005, 04:57
It has gone quite on the A.O recruitment front but I believe that a ground school started on Sun 2 Oct with another to start on the 16 Oct. As for recruitment in the near future it would seem unlikely until the new Jetstar 2 class international thing is launched. Will A.O become Mr Dixons new venture?? Surely A.O would not run alongside Jetstar Int. To be honest a little bit of brand awareness in the southern markets would lift A.O from very good to awesome. Its the best product in the market( I know it made a 11 million loss) and thats my point. Crew costs are only fractionally more than Jetstar and way less than QF. The service is great and I do hope it stays as it is.

Mr Seatback 2
3rd Oct 2005, 06:16
AO's existence depends on how far the cuts will go...low cost Australian COULD NEVER match low cost Jetstar International, because management have learned to cut costs in the most unique of ways.

Where that leaves the crew at AO, who knows...yes, AO has a great product and excellent service record...but as far as Dixon's concerned, it's not making money.

The race to the bottom continues in earnest, sadly.

11th Oct 2005, 03:48
So the two extra Nagoya services are being canned from January. Very interesting times ahead indeed. Are the new training schools still going ahead?

11th Oct 2005, 13:16
I heard the rumour goes that AO will just be dissolved into Jetstar when it goes international? wouldn't surprise me.

By the way, saw one of the AO aircraft on the tarmac in Singapore the other day, looked great! I also saw some of the crew in the terminal, i think they were still wearing the old uniform, unfortunately they didn't look so nice (no offence)! I also saw the Jetstar Asia crew going to their gate to board a flight to Bangkok, they looked great, great uniforms, all were smiling and even waved as our crew passed them! Smiling! we need more of it!


11th Oct 2005, 13:34
Yes, the two extra services are stopping in Jan. Demand not strong enough.

Yes. the two training schools are still going through regardless. One as we speak, the next in a week I believe. This was not for the extra services. Simply a need for more crew.

Have a great night.

RaverFlaver :)

11th Oct 2005, 14:08
The speculation in regard to an Australian/Jet* merger has been around for some time I suppose its just a wait and see thing.

It is disappointing that Qantas cannot be more honest and upfront as employees are human and employees need to know where their future is headed, but in typical Qantas form employees are the last to know you will read about your life changing via the Financial Review one morning.

It could be a good thing as its banded around Jet* International will be 2 class you will probally see Sydney or Melbourne bases so in that respect it could be good for those crew not wanting to remain in Cairns. On the other hand salaries and condition could be a concern plus they could ship all the cabin crew positons for Jet* International off-shore as they have done already for the Tasman services. On the pilot thread their is discussion taking place about the A330-200 going to Jet* International so word is certainly out there. But how much money would be lost on Australian should they merge with Jet*, the cost to establish a market presence, start-up costs plus the loss incurred on operations last financial year.

It wont end there though if the merger does go ahead both long haul and short haul will loose more flying.

As for the Jet* Asia uniform "hello" how cool is it compared to Jet* Australia. Those black serving jackets they wear are just way to elegant for Jet*, however those Singapore girls and boys seem to be able to make even a budget carrier where you have to buy the food seem like first class. Jet* Asia is fantastic not to mention always empty. I flew 3 legs with them recently on holiday and not one flight had more than 30 people. Yet another money spinner for Qantas.

3rd Nov 2005, 10:00
This has been a little quiet of late - has anyone heard anything about the "on hold" applications for the recruitment drive that was maybe going ahead late oct/ early nov?

3rd Nov 2005, 11:42
Still " on hold " ... and still waiting for news like you...:}

3rd Nov 2005, 21:13
qf is putting the final touches for the strategic map of the near future, where qf, jetstar, jetstar international is going and what to do with australian airlines. my bet is you are going to be jetstar international by next year under your current eba which gives qf/jetstar plenty of flexiblitlity to employ offshore/locally.

remember the board meets december 7th. plenty of news after that.

Simon Templar
3rd Nov 2005, 22:36
The Japanes people are a discerning bunch.
They will only buy old established brand names..Louis Vitton, Moet and Qantas.
They do not know AO
They are not interested in low cost
AO days are numbered.
QF management told Perth based Longhaul that the base would not close.
A week later ..you guessed it ..closed.
Don't believe your management.They don' t know what's happening form one minute to the next
There may be some training schools for FAs.
Jetstar will need more crew when they expand.
You guys are already part way through the process.
Hope you like the Jetstar uniform.

Wed Webbing Woop
4th Nov 2005, 09:26
Agree ---Templar.

AO are GONE!!!!!

Jet* the future for the Qantas group.......whoooo hoooo