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View Full Version : FLight Attendant Internship

12th Aug 2005, 06:59
Hey.. My name is Adrian Brutus, 19 years old and I am on my first year of medical school. And I was wondering if there is any posibility if me Getting a summer job as a flight attendant anywhere. It does not matter the airline, I would just do it for the love of flying and because it could be a awesome experience.
If a summer is to little for an airline to hire me.. is there a way I could get in for 6 months? . or is there any Flight Attendant Internship that anybody knows about???
Any help I would greattly apreciate!!!:cool: ..
I LOVE FLYING and a F/A job could be great. I know what involves and its great for me. .. ooo and it does not have to be in the US.!!. thanks
Any help, info just post it here.. or e-mail me to ..
[email protected]