View Full Version : Can I please be a pilot sir.....

27th Jun 2000, 04:30
The computer operater punches the keys and puts in data. But the computer programmer designs the interface and fixes the bugs....he gets paid more.

The bus driver drives his big green or yellow or blue bus. He brings his passengers from one bus stop to the next. But the bus mechanic fixes the bus when it breaks down. He paints it and makes sure it's clean......he gets paid more.

The accounts technician enters the numbers in the columns and adds up all the numbers. But the accountant interprets them and checks it and signs it.......he gets paid more.

The pilot flys his big powerful airplane from airport to airport. He punches the keys on the FMC and brings the passengers from airport to airport and writes down numbers from dials and puts them in boxes. But the engineer is broke......anybody know a good flying school.....I resign.

27th Jun 2000, 12:34
Hear Hear!!

When all else fails, read the manual!

27th Jun 2000, 17:34
So, what's new?

We'll just keep eatin' sh*t, and putting up with yet more!

Unfortunately most of us love our work and will keep accepting the responsibility. Until we can get together and say "Enough!", everyone, which includes large airlines, GA operators and all in between, will take advantage of the fact.

Meanwhile, back to the grindstone........


28th Jun 2000, 08:58
That's the problem, we all have aviation fuel in our veins and the curiosity to persist until we get the thing fixed.
If we didn't love aircraft we'd all be doing something else for sure!

Love is blind :)

Through difficulties to the cinema

near enuf is good enuf
28th Jun 2000, 09:46
Yeh ! and I, oh sorry that's the phone.
Gotta go , called out again.

2nd Jul 2000, 01:42
Hi There

Hang in there satis. Believe me you don't want that operation. Its fine working with a whole brain.


2nd Jul 2000, 22:03
On the whole, what you guys say is probably true, but I now earn alot less as a pilot than I did when I was an LAE (with another airline now). This may be the exception but for me
its not all about salaries either, its about what you enjoy doing for a living.....


[This message has been edited by spanners (edited 02 July 2000).]