View Full Version : JAR66 Conversion

15th Jun 2000, 18:12
Having twice failed the CAA Module 20&21 exams going down the self study route (64% & 60%) I have decided to try and get a course. CSE at oxford are offering a JAR66 conversion course for 4 weeks that goes straight into the JAR conversion exam. Alternatively they do a 6 week course that goes through BCAR Mods 20/21 and JAA Mod 5. Obviously the 6 week course is more expensive than the 4 week course. Does anybody out there have any knowledge or experience of the JAR conversion exam? CSE say that this course (starts Nov) will be their first. I am a bit reluctant to be a 'guinea pig' on a new course so am tempted to go for the BCAR modular route. All comments gratefully accepted.

near enuf is good enuf
17th Jun 2000, 14:45
Personally , having tried CSE and Ealing I'd go for Ealing everytime. Brian Turner is an exellent instructor and for 20/21 great pass rate. A hell of a lot cheaper aswell.
Contact: Brian Turner, Ealing Tertiary College, Southall.

For base attn
18th Jun 2000, 23:20
Another variation on the self study theme is available from a company called Licence by Post. They run Open University style courses & will supply you with module notes (BCAR & JAR), study plans, review exams & access to a lecturer via phone, fax or email. Timetables can be lengthened/shortened as reqd. I have no personal experience of these guys but know friends who have used them with success. My cash is heading their way for modules 20/21. Speaking with the CAA I'm told the easiest way to JAR66 (although LWTRs are not easy) is via an X lic for the A&C LAME then Mod 5. Contact details below...

Tony Wooldridge
Licence by Post,
140 Narbeth Drive,
Bucks HP20 1QA

Tel 44 (0)1296 433871

19th Jun 2000, 16:05
It's licence By Post that I have been using. Unfortunately I do not have the self discipline to sit at home and do 2 hours study. It is so bad that one day my wife took the kids out to give me a chance, came back unexpectedly early t ofind me watching the cricket on tv.

For base attn
20th Jun 2000, 00:00
I know where you are coming from growler - dare I ask what you think of Lic by Post?

20th Jun 2000, 15:42
basically LBP are prety good, but having sat the exam twice (although I only registered with LBP for the second attempt), I think they have a tendency to go a bit too deep. I suppose that until someone invents a crystal ball that works, LBP have to cover all angles as the Campaign Against Aviation (CAA) reserve the right to ask you anything on the syllabus and more besides. They also have an uncanny knack of knowing exactly what you haven't read!

Penn Doff
26th Jun 2000, 03:13
Growler, what kind of money are CSE charging for the course and are the exams carried out "in house".


"please report further"

26th Jun 2000, 06:10
Penn doff; it's about £839 for the JAR 66 Conversion. The man I spoke to was unsure if that included VAT. He said it was scheduled to last 3 weeks and 4 days, starting some time in November. An internet search for cse oxford will lead you to their website.

Penn Doff
26th Jun 2000, 16:16
Cheers for the info

"please report further"

Penn Doff
10th Aug 2000, 23:49
Growler, take a look at the latest "Techlog" as it has an advert for KLM UK Engineering. They put together a course for the CAA Surveyers, which they are now selling to the public. Sadly no contact address or prices, anyone have any info.

"please report further"

11th Aug 2000, 01:20
I used LBP a couple of years ago and found them quite good, but how deep do you need to go? One bloke that I know, when doing his first electrics oral (he is A&C), was asked about electrical theroy very deeply, and couldn't remember what a coulomb was. He bombed his first oral but passed on his second attempt with a different survayor. But do you really need to know what a coulomb is when you are changing a light bulb?

Oh and by the way, Hi Eddy, you took your time on guessing my ID. Thought you had me sussed months ago. See you on Monday.

11th Aug 2000, 10:31
after giving this due consideration for the last year or so, I have decided to suspend any interest or enthusiasm for this euro licence until the British government and the CAA can act a little more responsibly and get their act together. Why should I spend vast sums of money and my valuable time getting an approval I already hold when the rest of the euro engineers sit on their fundamentals and get theirs handed to them on a plate, no sod it !

11th Aug 2000, 15:20
If your finding it tough, try and find a place that has JAR 147 approval, the testing is then done in-house, as the FAA training schools do. As this has been running for some months now, I would have thought some places would be offering this service by now.

Having to wait 3 months to apply for a resit and then there being a 2 month waiting list is a joke. And why the hell are the CAA reducing the number of exam dates ? They should be increasing them to keep up with demand.

11th Aug 2000, 18:03
Penn Doff/Growler, it was in the links/training organisations pages, hope it helps.
KLM UK Engineering Ltd
Technical College
25/27 Hurricane Way
Norwich NR6 6HB
Tel: 01603 254640
Fax: 01603 423076
e-mail: [email protected]

12th Aug 2000, 11:28

Contact me by email - I'm involved in a bit of training arranging right now.