View Full Version : INFO ON FLIGHT DECKS

Steve Smith
17th Mar 2000, 00:51
Hope this isn't TOO far off topic. If so, just please stone me to death and I won't post such requests again! <G>
I am looking to build a working Boeing flight deck using computer flight sim software run over a network of computers for the various displays of a glass cockpit and a projection screen for the outside view, as well as real and replica airplane parts for the yokes, pedals, throttles and panels.

Does anyone have any suggestions on where to find detailed information on the flight decks? I've been able to get a lot of info piece by piece over the past 2 years but I would like to continue getting more and more detail and confirming the numbers I have. Basic pics of the cockpit are easy enough to find but not detailed pics of each panel. Also, the dimensions of those panels and of the cockpit interior are VERY hard to come by.

If anyone has any suggestions or could possibly help me in my question, I would be VERY appreciative!

Thanks for your time.

Steve S.
[email protected]

17th Mar 2000, 03:49

Just out of curiosity Steve, have you tried to contact Boeing for assistance, In the off-chance that you may get lucky?

I did a quick search of their website and you might be interested in this link: www.boeing.com/commercial/aeromagazine/about.html (http://www.boeing.com/commercial/aeromagazine/about.html)

It wouldn't hurt to ask them if they have resources avail for your flight sim project or if they can at least point you in the proper direction for the info you require. Who knows, their P.R. dept may have heaps of data they may share with you if you can convince them that aiding you in this project would somehow be benificial to their company. Good Luck!

Anyways, the worst they can say is no. :)


free.prohosting.com/~electech (http://free.prohosting.com/~electech/)

17th Mar 2000, 23:02
Try http://www.soton.ac.uk/~aerostar
It's Southampton university who have built some kind of super sim.

Steve Smith
17th Mar 2000, 23:21
Hey guy, thanks for responding. Do you still have that link? It didn't work when I tried it.


18th Mar 2000, 23:17
Re Boeing's Web above - Steve Smith, you need to speak with Publisher Steve Smith. Now theeeere's a coincidence!

[This message has been edited by forget (edited 18 March 2000).]