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2nd Aug 2005, 23:07
Perhaps the wrong forum, can someone define in english the role of accountable manager, from the job and also the consequences perspective.

I ask because i want to make sure someone knows what they are taking on, other than in my words.



2nd Aug 2005, 23:40
Someone who manages to make someone else accountable?;)


2nd Aug 2005, 23:43
Have they read OPS 3? Or BSI 9000?

3rd Aug 2005, 04:55
It's the person the authorities can point to as having corporate authority to make things happen or take responsibility for what does happen, so they'd better make sure they have the power in the first place, or at least get paid enough for taking the can! They would therefore need to be directors, at least.

If they're accountable for engineering, they need to be up to speed with the new EASA stuff, and be able to demonstrate that they did the paperwork themselves and have read it. The same goes for JAR OPS


3rd Aug 2005, 10:01
Looks like a tautology,

what would an 'unaccountable manager' be ?


3rd Aug 2005, 10:30
An unaccountable manager would be the one who sits on his royal behind all day, cashing in a salary he shouldn't, doesn't have a clue about anything, delegates bullcrap to others, and passes the buck to the guy who did the bullcrap that he ordered to do when things go wrong.

Does that fit as definition for an unaccountable manager?:E

3rd Aug 2005, 11:08
Make me think of this business rule:

There are 3 levels of people : A - B - C.

A-people hire A-people.

B-people hire C-people

C-people fire A -people......