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19th Nov 1999, 23:24
Touchdown have an offer to Borneo at the moment.Has anyone been there.Any idea of meal prices etc

gas path
21st Nov 1999, 17:35
Hi, someone else to join these pages.Ive been following them for some time!
Borneo. yep i've been there, some time ago,
went via Sin. flew MAS to KotaKinabalo plenty of hotels and prices not too bad. Excellent food plenty of places to eat large hawker center in town.Out of town lots of rain forest but i think its whats called second generation? Good trek avail,up mount kinaballo,about 14000ft good pair of trainers will do.

gas path
21st Nov 1999, 17:45
More info; trek up mountain definately worth it but make sure you book well in advance compulsory to have a guide take some headache pills due to the altitude as some people are affected.
Also avail flt to other side of island to nature reserves and also fly south to Kuching (bit more wild ifyou get my drift!!!!!) even in Kota the barbers shops open all night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23rd Nov 1999, 05:19
Hey there,Greycone
You'll fit in nicely in Borneo.You'd be well used to apes being from Dublin's Western "suburb".


Cyclic Hotline
23rd Nov 1999, 08:22
If there is a large Hawker centre there, you might be able to get a corporate job! ;)
Borneo is rather large, any particular location in mind?

[This message has been edited by Cyclic Hotline (edited 23 November 1999).]

23rd Nov 1999, 23:18
Gas path,thanks for the info.Were you there in Feb.Thinking of going then but hear nasty rumours about monsoon at that time of the year.
Two dead dogs,whats this western "suburbs".I'm an original Southsider.None of your guff.See you in Kealys

23rd Nov 1999, 23:21
Cyclic Hotline,I'm thinking of Kota Kinabula or Karambunai late Jan/early Feb.Would appreciate any info.Thanks.

gas path
24th Nov 1999, 00:29
Actually yes it was feb. time, and yes it normally does start to spit with rain around about that time.Went there also for the white water rafting (grade 4 I think) but sods law prevailed and no rain for three months! Kota I went to and you can get a small boat ride over to small island with quite pleasant beach for a bit of R+R. Hope you enjoy karaoke because they love it and they cant sing. Nor can I funny that!!! One other thing don't they start to burn the forest about now? remember the news items about the smog in KUL and SIN last year

24th Nov 1999, 23:30
Thanks for the gen Gas Path.Definitely going in Feb now so I hope the Wx holds off.

25th Nov 1999, 17:39
If you're going to Kota Kinabalu then climbing the mountain is the main attraction. You can go rafting on the rivers as part of an organised tour. There are a couple of places to see the orang-utangs. I recommend the Tangenaru beach resort for a place to stay. Part of the Shangri-La chain. It's a bit out of town but very comfortable. If you like trekking through jungle you'll be in well happy. Food is very cheap. Nightlife is a bit 'different' than in the pale. Nightclubs are tacky and full of ladies employed in the "oldest proffesion in the world".

Have a blast.....

[This message has been edited by Satis (edited 25 November 1999).]

26th Nov 1999, 23:29
Again thanks for Gen.I'll have Ball & chain with me so I'll have to avoid those interesting Nightclubs.

27th Nov 1999, 12:44

Weather's OK in Jan/Feb. Chinese New Year in Feb this year, so hotels may do some "special events". 'Tanjong Aru Beach Resort' is good. Malaysian currency rate of exchange makes Malaysia a cheap holiday option. "Haze" from burning forests will not be a problem. Malaysian Food even better than French ;) Be prepared for severe Jet Lag though, will require lots of poolside time and cold beers to recover from the flight so don't plan anything energetic :)

Welcome to Borneo, the world's best kept secret, have a good time mate :)


Info noted. Plse report further.

28th Nov 1999, 02:41
Blacksheep,thats good gen re the very necessary poolside time required and the need for quantitys of liquids in beer form.Whats the local brew and is it any good.

28th Nov 1999, 06:10
Local brew is Anchor, usually available in draught. Some folk knock it but it hasn't poisoned me yet. Tiger is almost as common and that's my personal favourite. Imported alternatives are Carlsberg and Heineken, but usually in cans. Nearly all the beer here is Lager but you can get Guinness in cans with 'widgets'. Not as good as draught but it makes a nice change sometimes.

BTW, watch out for sunburn. Any fool knows you get burned in the sun but we are just off the equator and, believe it or not, you can get severely burned on a cloudy day. :)


Info noted. Plse report further.

28th Nov 1999, 18:44
Blacksheep, thx for correction on spelling of hotel name. Think I had a few too many last time I was there and got a bit muddled on spelling!!!

Greycone, If you're with the other half I have to recommend Mulu. There is a resort called Royal Mulu Resort (spelling correct this time). You have to fly there. You can visit caves which are quite spectacular. You only need about two days to see all worth seeing. You could catch full fare MAS flights for about IEP50 each...maybe less from KK. May have to transit at Miri. There are no roads cos it's in the middle of the jungle....but you can catch a boat from Miri or Limbang. I believe the boat trip is good...but about 4 hours!!!

FYI rates at Royal Mulu are 140 Malaysian rinngit nett inc b/fast. Tanjong Aru a little dearer. Airline ID reqd for those rates.

Lots to do around borneo really. If you need more info just let me know.......Slainte

PS Blacksheep...are you in the same place as me????

29th Nov 1999, 08:42

I'm in "The haven of peace" Have been for a few years now.

Good 'ere innit?

Your Mulu suggestion is good. In fact I'd rather do a spell in Mulu combined with a spell in Kuching as a holiday trip. Depends how energetic you're feeling after the long haul out here though!


Info noted. Plse report further.

2nd Dec 1999, 04:28
I hope you guys in "the haven of peace" realise that we mere mortals in the "Western Hemisphere" are freezing.I've just come in from a crappy week fixing one four sicks which are breaking my heart.I really need a break.KK here I come.
Thanks to everybody for all the Gen and your time.

6th Dec 1999, 19:40
while reading all this holiday news I thought I would share this with you. My little lovie (she is only 4'10'') said she is not cooking Christmas dinner this year as she says she gets no thanks for it and our kids end up squabbling on Christmas Day. As I cannot cook I decided we should go All Inclusive to ......... don't laugh too loud Benidorm! Well it seems like a good idea and I will keep you posted. Have a happy and Holy Christmas.