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View Full Version : Airport Extention Fees

31st Jul 2005, 20:18
Here in sunny Jersey, flyBE have been having technical difficulties all day and have requested an extention till 00:00/01AUG. I believe JER(EGJJ) extention fees are somewhere within the regions of £4000ish per movement before midnight and £6000ish per movement thereafter. If someone has the definate fgures could they post them, and does anyone have any rough idea of other aiport's fees...?

Cheers :ok:

31st Jul 2005, 21:34
On a "50 seater" [if full], that's £80-£120 per pax...plus fare.....
Seems a bit steep to me....:confused:

31st Jul 2005, 22:02
Although we're H24, from 2230 - 0600, we charge 6 times the landing fee plus handling charges, although I'm not sure if this is strictly applied to every non scheduled/non based movement.
I know medivac/emergency flight are exempt, but anyone else gets charged the full monty.
It was a pleasure to see several top Premiership teams get stung for the full whack last season.:E

1st Aug 2005, 08:31
niknak, is this based on noise or staff overtime needs?

How many people would be bothered by a turboprop buzzing over them, especially if it was taking off over St Ouens beach?

3rd Aug 2005, 08:48
yeh it was directly over St Ouen's bay. hardly populated as it is, I can't see the Sea Gulls complaining, little own the people!!! :)
