View Full Version : Evans Head Aerodrome

27th Jul 2005, 12:23
We have been asked to post the following as a public service to the aviation community:

Evans Head Memorial Aerodrome - Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the end of WWII

The Draft Plan of Management goes before the Heritage Council on the 3rd of August, next week for the decision as to whether it is ratified or rejected. We need lots of emails this week to the people below just to let them know the following or some there of:

1. The Draft Plan of Management should NOT be ratified.

2. The basis for management and development of the Aerodrome should be aviation/tourism and WWII heritage NOT to appease a lobby group with no interest or support for the Aerodrome and desperate for land.

3. Expressions of Interest for aviation and aviation related business to establish on the Aerodrome continue to come in to the Aerodrome Committee. Air Park buyers are ready to lease/purchase and build when this is developed.

4. The 10 Hectare Retirement Village proposed for the site is very bad land use planning and will spell the end of the aviation future of the Aerodrome. We want aviation businesses, toursim businesses, Air Park buyers, Heritage Cultural development and more. This Aerodrome could be the major sustainable economic driver for the town and local area.

5. A Retirement Village on an Aerodrome is completely inappropriate place for elderly, frail and aged people as stated in the 2004 Enhealth Report and as advised by various retirment village developers. This one would be placed between a runway and an industrial area. It is also isolated from Evans Head itself, leaving transport to town/RSL Club/shops by bus or taxi.

6. Sewage effluent disposal on the Aerodrome is NOT ON. It will most likely damage the runways and grassed areas for aviation use and result in a possible bird hazard to aircraft as well as having detrimental affects on the surrounding natural heritage features of the site and adjacent National Park.

7. WWII Veterans are deeply sad and disgusted with how they have been treated in this whole issue, they feel they don't count, only money.

8. There is always land for a retirement village but once you destroy this site it's gone forever.

The people to send to are:

Mr ReeceMcDougall
The Director
NSW Heritage Office
Locked Bag 5020
NSW 2124

[email protected]

Mr Michael Collins
Chair of the NSW Heritage Council
Locked Bag 5020
NSW 2124

[email protected]

The Hon Diane Beamer MP
Minister Assisting the Minister for Insfrastructure and Planning
Level 33
Governor Macquarie
1 Farrer Place
NSW 2000

[email protected]