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View Full Version : PPRuNe gathering - Manchester 23rd October

Scooby Doo
27th Sep 1999, 22:47
By popular demand (well, one person suggested it!) I hereby invite all you technical types to a little gathering of PPRuNers.

For details see the thread (same title) on the main 'Rumours and News' forum.

See you there.

Genghis the Engineer
29th Sep 1999, 17:02
And risk being caught fraternising with aircrew! - I'd get drummed out of the union.


1st Oct 1999, 18:27
What's a union? Is it like being married?

2nd Oct 1999, 01:07
If you are in the same union as I am, then getting drummed out is probably the best thing that can happen!
Esp if you work in Birdseed Awys!

2nd Oct 1999, 22:36
Why not join the Association of Licensed Aircraft Engineers, The ALAE http://www.lae.mcmail.com

2nd Oct 1999, 22:48
I would join the ALAE but they are not a recognized union with Birdseed and so have no negotiation privileges. I remain a member with the union for one reason only: legal coverage and accident insurance. I have no confidence in the union stewards who appear to be self serving, or the union who are a general engineering union and have no appreciation of a/c maintenance engineering.

OK, off the soapbox now..............

(Anyway, I'm going to be out of the engineering business soon, anyway, so it will not bother me further.) (yipeee!)

[This message has been edited by spanners (edited 02 October 1999).]

Genghis the Engineer
3rd Oct 1999, 17:38
When I worked for HMQ I made a point of not joining the IPMS (Institution of Professionals, Managers and Specialists - I was officially a specialist), who I felt were a complete waste of space.

Now I'm in the civil sector and the Chief Engineer it seems a bit pointless - I can just threaten to resign and leave the CAA approvals suspended. However, I can recommend the RAeS, they may not help out in rows with your employer, but is the only place to get a good cheap lunch in London.

[This message has been edited by Genghis the Engineer (edited 03 October 1999).]

12th Jan 2004, 06:34

Is it possible to take guests to the society for lunch?


16th Jan 2004, 23:46
are L-plate engineers welcome?