View Full Version : JAR 66

22nd Apr 2000, 03:34
What is your companies attitude towards JAA licences? and conversion of a CAA LWTR to a JAR licence. I was told by our company that is not interested in assisting us to convert our CAA LWTR's as it will not be in the company interest.I came to the company with my LWTR half of which was paid for by the Big Airline some years ago. What goes around comes around I think. If as a company you are not interested in promoting the industry and Investing in your personnel you shouldn't be there in the first place. We are bonded for type courses, surely we could be bonded for JAR 66. An A&C licenced engineer who upgraded to JAR 66 via an X licence would probably have a betrter understaning of the aircraft and its systems, evidently this would not be in our companies interest to have better qualified personnel. How short sighted Is British Industry? Welcome to the future.

The hippy
23rd Apr 2000, 00:20
Heard a wisper that my company are going to help us to convert to JAR 66, but only when your licence is up for renewal.
QA are at present working to accomadate the new licence into the company system including engineers with and without full JAR 66 ratings.

Has anyone applied to do any of the modules in a B1 ticket, would be interested to know what sort of standard the questions where?