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b mi baby
26th Jul 2005, 12:22
I heard that bmi Cabin Crew are about to ballot for industrial action - anyone know why?

26th Jul 2005, 15:04
Because of the work practice changes they are being expected to accept...the company want them to adopt BMI Baby work practices!

26th Jul 2005, 16:40
More to the point WHEN?

7th Aug 2005, 13:26
oh for gods sake!!!
for some reason the crew just keeps on nagging!
Get a real life would u.
1 - it's not a cleaning, just a quick tidy of the a/c
(there is a difference between that, believe me!)
2 - u get xtra money for doing the tidy
3 - inflight catering: far less work, less people will want something
and u also get a percentage of the sellings o/b.
At least give it a try, and if u don't like it: GET ANOTHER JOB!!!
this really makes me feel sick :yuk:

7th Aug 2005, 18:14
So whats your point midlandsmainline???:p

7th Aug 2005, 19:43
cabin tidy is the innocent name for it - 5 bags of rubbish we "tidyied" on sat... and wrong there is no payment for it!!!

also on my flights about 75% of people baught something and we had to operate with minimum crew and a reduced commission rate of 6%.

we are balloting on strike action and it will be OVERWHELMING FOR!!!

bmi deserve a strike because they don't care about their crew or customers....


7th Aug 2005, 20:51
LOL!!! welcome to the real world BMI Crew!! Don't like getting your hands dirty??? Poor you!!! We at Baby used to be a joke to you. Now it's our turn to enjoy seeing you have to do some proper work!!

8th Aug 2005, 09:15
Enough! I worked for the "old" BM for 11 years. I know what it was like, and what the dosh was. bmi baby is a hashed up attempt to compete with GO who was entering Midlands` home ground EMA. BM couldn`t do what they did with Business Air (that is buy `em) so they took the crew based at EMA and turned them into babies. Some of those crew had been there for years...some started in the late 70`s. Any T&C that Midland crews had were disolved overnight.
Its the paxs who will decide what they want...

and bmi crews do work.. they have a c**p time compaired to other airlines, and I`m sure bmi baby crews work too. Yep its probably easier, but I doubt its not all to do with work, once management have slipped one under the door, more changes start..and it gets worse. Don`t baby crews work to CAP 371? Mainline have some extra T&C on that?

8th Aug 2005, 16:32
oh yeah well,
just hope that when all the dollys wanno go on strike, we'll still have a job left in the end...

The Royal Family
9th Aug 2005, 11:07
Was that last posting written in 1973 ? :(

9th Aug 2005, 12:22
I worked for BMA in 1986 till 1990. Was a crap company then and by all accounts still is a crap company - just on a larger scale as it has expand over the years.

Probably just equates to even more crap from a uncaring, money grabbing, narrow minded mangement.

All of you do yourselfs a favour and go and work for a real airline. BA might have its problems but at the end of the day I know who I would rather be working for!

9th Aug 2005, 21:00
What's wrong with people? Why do you all get so much joy in seeing others work conditions erroded???? Good on you all at BMI for striking...I would be doing the same if they tried to pull that on us at BA!

Nobody thinks anybody is a joke, but if you guys at BMI baby or what ever other low cost carrier you may work for want a nice, easy flying job, you all know what airlines offer that, SO GO OUT AND GET IT AND YOUUUUUUU STOP COMPLAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!