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View Full Version : another EK open day??

25th Jul 2005, 23:31
Hello everyone!
The Emirates recruitment team will be in Malta again for another open day, after only three months from the date of the previous one.
I could not help but wonder...is this normal or simply they did not find any suitable candidates last time they were there?

27th Jul 2005, 13:10
EK recruit worldwide year round because their turnover is so high - they're renowned for it. I would love to work for them myself despite this, so I'm not just indulging in EK-bashing.

If you have a look at the recruitment schedule on their website you'll find that they are constantly recruiting every month.

27th Jul 2005, 13:36
hey guys...i just got to dubai a month ago and i can tell you that the recruitment is not just simply due to high turnovers...maybe the fact that we are getting brand new aircraft ever week and need the crew - has got a little something to do with it :)

EK are awesome, the crew are treat better than most other companies in the world ...and dubai is fanastic - just go for it.
Until you get here...dont believe everything you hear..

Good luck to you all

craic1510 :ok:

28th Jul 2005, 13:35

You got here a month ago.You will ,therefore, still be in training school. You havn't even started on the line yet! You're bound to be enthusiastic and so you should be at this very,VERY early stage. Your thoughts on 'life in EK' will be most interesting in a year or two from now.
And out of interest, just how many Companies in this World have you worked for to enable such comparisons?

28th Jul 2005, 15:46
A year or two??? I'd say in a couple of months time!!!!

28th Jul 2005, 18:08
craic1510 ,You have absolutely no idea what it's like yet, either you have no prior experience with which to compare or you're winding us up. Can't fault your enthusiasm though...

29th Jul 2005, 07:08
You lot, stop bitching!!!

Emirates is brilliant, been here for years now, seen lots of change.
OK it's work, and given the opportunity not many of us would work at all, much better to go cruising around the globe on a luxury yacht. But, hey, if you're gonna get a salary rather do it in luxury hotels all over the world and get tons of time off (if you do your bidding well) in the meantime, how hard is it to live in a free, luxury apartment in the best tourist destination in the Middle-East. Bored of shopping and being pampered? Get a hobby! Do some charity work. Yes, some of our flights are ultra-challenging on the patience (not to mention incrediblity!) fronts, but that's why we're so popular. It's easy to switch on that automatic, fire-engine red Chanel smile when, at last you've seen the back of these annoying pax and you have the choice of lying by your pool, hitting the beach, maybe (airline-discounted) champagne brunch with mates.....ooooh slash my wrists!!!!
Incidently, look at the number of re-joiners we have!!!

29th Jul 2005, 11:42

" it's easy to switch on that automatic, fire engine red channel smile". Indeed it is...........and that's just the stewards!

Well at least you've BEEN here a few years to comment and are correct in that it's what you make it. To be offering advice on the merits of a Company when you havn't even started on the line shows a certain element of naivety and immaturity at best. I think that was the point several of us were trying to make.

No offence Craic1510 and good luck with the rest of the training. :ok:

30th Jul 2005, 13:38
I'm really sorry...but what exactly is your problem guys? Yes I am still in training...who cares...I love it here. I simply adding my opinion, that for those people that are looking forward to the chance of getting a job with EK to go for it! I have wanted to work for EK for years and to end up in Dubai is a dream come true. The company is looking after me well and I am looking forward to travelling the world and seeing new places. I know a lot of people that work in the company and have done for a long time with no complaints. This is not just a career but a lifestyle for me.

All I said... was that the recruitment drive was not just due to a high turnover rate and that those of us that work here and get to speak to people in the company everyday would agree. Yes there is turnovers - what company doesnt? But we are getting new aircraft and there is a need for a lot more cabin crew because there are also a lot of people getting promotions to the role of SFS or Purser. I was only given the up to date figures in reports last week - as part of my "in-depth" training.

For those of you that have just ripped shreds out of me for getting my facts straight and simply adding what was a genuinely nice and enthuisatic comment - I AM SORRY! It just disgusts me how you can shoot me down as if I don't have a clue.

I want the enthusiastic people that want to work for EK to look forward to applying and I would encourage them to do so. yes there are people here that dont enjoy it - but life is what you make it...and with an attitude like yours it suprises me that you even have the time in your busy schedules to make posts like that.

Worst-class...thankyou for backing me up. This site is not for bitching..it is for discussion. It makes me rethink wasting my money in an internet cafe to even bother reading the insults.


30th Jul 2005, 15:01
One of the things you will discover once you start sitting in briefings is that some of our F/D are not the most positive of colleagues.
You know the saying ... the engines have been switched off but the whining still continues.

Needless to say these same F/D are the ones who complain the C/C do not party down route .... etc etc and they just can't work out why?

The majority of EK F/D are great .... supportive .... helpful ... fun but you will always get those that are not.

Keep your chin up and enjoy training.:ok: