View Full Version : How much to rent a hangar??

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24th Jul 2005, 13:23
Afternoon chaps and chapettes,

Anyone know how much it costs to rent a hangar for an A330??

I'm trying to complete a cost analysis for a mod i've designed as part of a project, but i'm missing a few things. Mainly costs to analyse. Which is inconvenient..............:confused:

I'm just after a ballpark figure here, doesn't need to be accurate. Hourly rate would be good, but any info would be of assistance.

Thanks :ok: :p

24th Jul 2005, 14:13
500GBP per hour, the longer you have it the cheaper it will be.

What does this do?
24th Jul 2005, 14:32
Spanners, yer a star!! :D

I'm only envisaging a fairly short turnaround for the mod but it's gonna be a bit of a ballache to do on the line, so i'm thinking along the lines of a Hangar 'A' or 'C' check for embodiment.

Thanks for your help, :ok:


Golden Rivet
24th Jul 2005, 18:21
Whats wrong with the great outdoors ?

What does this do?
24th Jul 2005, 23:13
There's nowhere to plug in the kettle................:ooh:

Golden Rivet
25th Jul 2005, 08:11
So its an avionic mod then :ok:

corporate kid
26th Jul 2005, 06:18
No it cant be an avionic mod as youd need an urn rather that a kettle.

we all know greenies work in LARGE groups.

What does this do?
26th Jul 2005, 09:29
hmmmmmm..................engineers hunting in packs now, eh????:suspect:

Thought that was just cabin crew..............................:p

Krystal n chips
26th Jul 2005, 10:15
There's a very nice empty one at MAN----"one careful owner" never been raced or rallied etc ----a few cobwebs perhaps----and I'm sure if you asked them nicely you could probably get a discount as well ! :E ---although knowing the previous occupant, they would probably try and charge you a rate way over the top ----first initial is B btw. :hmm:

What does this do?
26th Jul 2005, 10:36
hehe, well you know what property prices are like these days...........:sad:

Anyone up for just renting one and having a massive paaaartaaaaaay??? We could convert the scaffolding rigs into pole dancing platforms and stuff..................:D ;) :ok:

Krystal n chips
26th Jul 2005, 10:56
I understand the "above mentioned" actually did that----for Granada TV-----and that one of the --ahem--"managers" :rolleyes: subsequently described the place as being THE new corporate entertainment venue in the North West---:yuk: ----I also understand said "manager" was confused as to what a Hangar's real purpose was--hence the reason it seemed to be empty for most of the time--and that said "manager" was not the most "intellectually capable" of persons---hence his position ! :p

What does this do?
26th Jul 2005, 12:55
.........The ha-ngar-cienda....................:ooh:

Sorry, couldn't resist..................

Krystal n chips
26th Jul 2005, 13:10
:ok: Nice one !