View Full Version : PDA Software

23rd Jul 2005, 03:44
Hi Peoples

Just thought that i would throw the question to all out there who are using PDA's of all sorts. I am looking at getting a PDA soon, just wanting to find out the most popular software for:

Flight and Duty Times/Limitaions and
maybe even a basic flight planner

It is a jungle out there with different PDA's available and with different programs working of different PDA's.

Any help and guidance would be great :} :}

24th Jul 2005, 05:10
Try this link:


more software here than you can poke a stick at!


26th Jul 2005, 07:35
Wicked Site. Many thanks!

26th Jul 2005, 21:43
That is a very cool site indeed

I was wondering if there is as many programs for aviation out there, as well as users that are using Pocket PC (Windows instead of Palm OS) ?

I am interested in hearing about both. Have heard that palm has many aviation programs out there, but i have not heard much about the pocket pc and aviation....

Any feedback


26th Jul 2005, 23:43
The web page listed above contains Pocket Pc versions of flying software :D

26th Jul 2005, 23:48
I'm using a low-end Dell PDA, which runs MS Mobile 2003, with PocketFMS http://www.pocketfms.com

Be aware of where the aviation data for your software is derived from.
Many packages are based on the USA NIMA dataset which isn't totally upto date with the ASA datasets.
eg. NIMA don't show the WATLE or HOGAN waypoints, and still show an NDB at Cudal.

27th Jul 2005, 03:12
Fantastic software - will be interested in seeing how they work... when i choose which PDA to purchase.

Anyone have/had any lucky with an Oz flight and duty program for PDA's ...??


Hugh Jarse
27th Jul 2005, 06:56
Try this: Captain's Keeper (http://www.nimblefeet.com). I've been using it for a couple of years and it works well.

27th Jul 2005, 11:39
Check out Co-pilot (http://lauriedavis9.tripod.com/copilot/) .
I find this quite good, although you will have to either enter your own waypoints, or generate a set using the link on the page.
This program will also do weight and balance calculations and display then graphically if you define the limits in the program.
Have a look at the manual on this page, but to actually check out the program you need a PDA running the Palm OS.
Hope this helps.

27th Jul 2005, 22:46
FlightCalc from Skymark Technologies (Canada) is a fantastic flight planning tool. I've been using it for about 3 years now. Getting better with every version. Goto:http://www.skymarktechnologies.com/

compressor stall
28th Jul 2005, 05:14
Can anyone recommend a weight and balance program for preparing load sheets (and/or engineering company to have it certified)?

PDA or Palm platform?

28th Jul 2005, 05:47
Thank you so very much for your replies

I can see that there is quite a few programs out there if Palm OS. I was wondering if there is as many programs for Pocket PC (windows based) such as as good Flight and Duty Time program etc.

I see that from the replies there are many more people out there using Palm as against PPC, that are using their PDA's for day to day work

All replies have been great - keep 'em comin' !

Cheers:ok: :}