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Lord Trenchards Brat
22nd Jul 2005, 19:39
The rumour at the Cambs "Black Hole" is that WOs and JOs will soon be trained in the art of "Barrier UP" and the subsequent "Barrier DOWN" techniques. So much for MPGS taking over!

Handle at the ready 3....2.....1 !

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Two's in
22nd Jul 2005, 20:56
LTB, The training must be an Air Force thing, the Army and Navy low life are assumed to have those particular life skills on joining.

22nd Jul 2005, 22:27
Two's in

"Army and navy low life". That is brilliant, absolute pure bloody comic genius mate. Aaaahh.........really, really good....can't quite get over it...."low life"!!!! "Low" and then "life"!!!

Ricky Gervais stand down you loser, there's a new comic king in town.

Lord Trenchards Brat
23rd Jul 2005, 09:21

Yes there is a certain amount of "irony" attached with the statement "Army and Navy low life".

There should be professional Engineers and professional Security staff doing what they know best. Experienced engineers/aircrew cost the airforce dearly in wages in carrying out these type of duties at a time we are all facing staffing cuts to save money!!!

Pay MPGS a fair wage, instead on relying on them having to top it up with their pension, and the recruitment will be easy! Its simple cost effective economics.

Kevlar donned - Air Raid Warning RED

23rd Jul 2005, 09:34

***Kevlar donned - Air Raid Warning RED***

As an ex brat myself, I think you have caught fever.

On the serious side though you are correct. Select the best person for the job and pay an acceptable wage. However those with the power would rather spend money on the Gin Palaces. Misplacing experinced people for a few weeks means they can get more new shinny stuff for their offices.

Take it you are still involved with the system. Things will not change. If it gets you down (like it did me) then leave otherwise stay in and wind the masters up. Thats what I did until I left. Gets rid of a lot of frustration.

Fg Off Kite
23rd Jul 2005, 22:13
If you really are NFI, NFI then why the interest?

And look up Djinn Palace!!