View Full Version : Australia recruiting British Squaddies

19th Jul 2005, 12:29
Grauniad (http://www.guardian.co.uk/australia/story/0,12070,1531239,00.html) .....He said he was particularly interested in servicemen with experience in special forces, aviation or technical trades. See, got a reference into aviation into the post....

19th Jul 2005, 12:45
South Australia is very actively recruiting British bobbies as well, as many as we can get. I think we're a bit laid back here in the sun - no-one wants to be a cop.

19th Jul 2005, 17:43
As your whole country has a sound historical criminal heritage that will come as no shock to most of us pom's RJ:E

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

19th Jul 2005, 23:16
I understand from a friend that at the last count there were at least 22 ex-brit helo pilots in the australian army alone.

Must be the fact that they get an extra $150 a day tax free whilst on ops and they don't have to pay tax on their basic pay either whilst away - can't see that scrooge Brown signing up to that deal.


Like This - Do That
20th Jul 2005, 03:25
Will the poor buggers who take up the offer have to go through Kapooka?

The course is only 6 weeks or so now, but still, Kapooka!:yuk:

20th Jul 2005, 22:11
Most of the laterals we have seen to date are here for the ozzy green card after 3 yrs of service and then on their bikes, it is working for some and not for others. There would have been a few more however they were srcubbed by "sooty" and sent back to the motherland. As for 22 ex brits, if thats true don't know what rocks they are hiding under as we are yet to see their fluro white faces.

From the poster "that is the end of laterals" for some time as a 3 yr return on TRG etc is no longer seen viable by the powers that be.

Grass may be greener but with all the sunshine over here you need a whipper snipper to see the view. If you enjoy the 8 months away OP Tempo then please "Come On Down!!!!"



Charlie Luncher
20th Jul 2005, 23:04
You actually get the green card/passport after 90 days service, the 3 years is the return of service obligation if you take the offer of the the free move of you and gear, if you pay yourself I think it is 3 months notice. Take the three years as it will take you that long to see if you can put up with what they call beer - dont get me started on the sausages :*
Oh for whipper snipper read strimmer, when a girl offers to show you her thongs it is not what you think but her map of Tasmania is :ok: .
Charlie sends

21st Jul 2005, 10:56

I hear that they are hiding under rocks such as 171 Sqn, A Sqn, B Sqn, School of Army Aviation and HQ 16 Bde - obviously assimilating so well and have embraced australian culture to become invisible.


21st Jul 2005, 13:29
Always_broken_in_wilts - Not to be too pedantic, but the criminals were only sent to New South Wales, Tasmania and Western Australia. Our little state of South Australia started as an idealistic social experiment designed principally by Newgate Prison resident Edward Gibbon Wakefield, whose only crime was to elope with an underage heiress, twice. He was merely what would be known in Australia today as a 'ratbag'. No riff raff here, thank you.

As for the beer and the snags (sausages), Charlie Luncher, again, in South Australia we eschew the brews that pass for beer in other states and countries, Theakstone's Old Peculiar possibly excepted, and drink the mighty Coopers Sparkling Ale, a three course meal in a bottle (hops, sugar and alcohol), 7.6% by vol and known locally as Lunatic Soup. We also have dozens of different types of sausages here, courtesy of a wave of German immigrants in the 1840's and Italians later on.

Our girls may be fit and strong, but we don't have those lovely, soft spoken, soft skinned ladies here, though. (Hi to Sophie of East Molesey...)

21st Jul 2005, 22:12
Ah Yes ZIC, thought I'd seen your fluro white face in the corridor.


Charlie Luncher
23rd Jul 2005, 01:48
I do agree that the coopers family do make a decent drop, but the sweepings of an abbatoir floor wrapped in a bright orange skin is not the same as a good old english banger(read sausage) with yer bacon n eggs, cooked on the barbie of course:= .
Charlie sends

23rd Jul 2005, 08:14
Good on yer, Chas

Happy to accept your rejection of our snags in view of your discriminating taste in ale.
