View Full Version : Moaning engineers

8th Sep 2001, 03:21
Just to expand on my answer to carpass on his good luck, have we (engineers) turned into a bunch of moaning barstewards?
I certainly feel I have, and I do feel justified in some of my moans but are we all the same or are there any licensed aircraft engineers who are truly happy in what they do, and who they do it for?

8th Sep 2001, 03:33
think your job description in your profile says it all, lets be honest would we have all gone into this if we knew it would get like this! Or are you one of the younger ones who missed the good times so don't know how it could be? Sorry to be ruthless mate but you did ask!

9th Sep 2001, 10:32
Come over to Air NZ and hear the moaning here. Pays to wear ear defenders in the lunch room!!!!! But that is all the bean counters fault and middle management!!!
25% pay rise and less hours and we'd be happy........maybe!!!!!!!!!! :confused:

Continuous Ignition
10th Sep 2001, 00:31
Well I'm changing jobs. So I don't think I'll have a reason to moan anymore. This new company seems to take care of it employees. At least thats what my friends say who work for them already.

So maybe, I will get back to enjoying the job! Just feeling appreciated and being paid a decent wage goes a long way in my book.

10th Sep 2001, 17:23
I dont know about you guys but I'm ecstatic!!


11th Sep 2001, 03:51
..and I'm so happy I could ****!....oops i just did.
Moaning is part of human nature and we generally get given more than our fair share of stuff to moan about, so thats what we do - and rather well i think.
I personally decided to go contracting to give myself more choice about where I worked and how i was treated and its working for me.
I've been in the same place for nearly 4 years now so i suppose i must be happy - but dont tell my boss.


near enuf is good enuf
11th Sep 2001, 09:46
Oh, that sort of moaning engineer, I thought I was going to witness some sort of aircraft related porno. Oh well off to ***********.com :eek:

get a bigger hammer
17th Sep 2001, 02:01
Moaning is an art form so as long as it is creative.

Many a boring hour w.....g spanners can be passed by being openly critical of everything around you.

Lets face it if we never had anything to moan about. It would be a perfect existance. Utopia in fact. How boring would that be? Can you imagine actually being freindly with your bosses. Imagine the dissapointment when they stab you in the back. Now that would be something to moan about!!!!!!!! ;)

18th Sep 2001, 22:43
I like to moan about everything, it's my nature. I am, you see, a miserable Bas#*rd.
I always moan about my job and my employer.
But, when I look at 'situations vacant' in a newspaper, I don't see too many jobs that pay as well as mine. I don't have to get my hands dirty (avionics!) too often, the blokes I work with are a bloody good bunch and more importantly........****** working in an office! :cool:

dogs body
28th Sep 2001, 01:13
Thursday morning I couldn,t spell moaner, now I are One :mad: :mad: :mad:
What was that noise? oh yes it was the airport impounding my ATR oh Boll*cks,& I thought gill was such a nice name...... :(

28th Sep 2001, 10:07
Hi there.
Isn`t moaning just part of the game between the employer and employeed? Personally, I had enough last year. And decided going contracting, which I can highly recommend.
You decide yourself, where to go, and you can always leave if your are not happy.
There is plenty of jobs out there.