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14th Jul 2005, 06:20
Thought this maybe of interest



Home Brew
14th Jul 2005, 10:39
Of particular interest is the small writing in the lower portion of the publicity release. Flights will be crewed and operated by........Well here we have Bratt Godfreak screwing his loyal ozzie staff again!!!! :mad: :*

Buster Hyman
14th Jul 2005, 21:55
looking for a Pacific Island escape in one of the world's most undiscovered tropical locations
Well, it's nice, but don't expect luxury accommodation. Aggie Grays is the best place in town & its ...okay.

But, I've got to hand it to the Samoans. If they can get someone else to do something for them, they have no qualms about doing so! Good on em!:ok:

15th Jul 2005, 08:17
About time us Kiwis got something...

whipping boy
15th Jul 2005, 09:43
I detect a kiwi devil fishing for a bite.

Allright,I'll do it. The Phillipinos of the South Pacific who'll work for a leg of mutton once a week appear to again be the ones to benefit from any expansion that an Australian company may embark on.

MIss Behaviour
17th Jul 2005, 00:14
I've just got that funny feeling you get when something's gonna crash and burn. Sort of like Palau Micronesia Air when it flew direct Palau Darwin return briefly last year.

Mind you as the website says "we'll be back".


If DJ cannot sustain Sydney to Alice Springs or Alice to Adelaide without going cap in hand every few months to Clare begging for more govt subsidies I cannot see them continuing its flights to Samoa beyond a few months.

Hope Brat saved the "unsustainable" press release from the above flights as I'm sure he'll need to drag it out and do a bit of cutting and pasting in the not too distant future. :uhoh: :uhoh:

17th Jul 2005, 07:42
Doesn't 49% owned by the Samoan government mean a 49% subsidy to Virgin Blue?

17th Jul 2005, 11:16
Whipping boy - are you sure you aren't the one fishing for a bite? I would challenge you to stand next to a Samoan and call him a "Phillipino from the South Pacific".

By the way, the Polynesian crew, pilots and cabin crew, have been told that if they wish to continue working for PH or whoever they must move to NZ, assuming they have right of residency.

So do you still think they are the ones to benefit from this merger?

whipping boy
17th Jul 2005, 22:31

The reference to the Phillipinos of the South Pacific was aimed squarely at our NZ brethren not at the Samoans,Tongans,Fijians or any other nationality that the NZ All Blacks have to pilfer from to make a competitive rugby team.

My sympathies go to those that are being forced to move to the land of the long white cloud to keep their job. It won't be long before both major airlines in this country insist that if you wish to be a domestic pilot you must be domiciled in a neighbouring country where wages are less,no superannuation,no Fringe benefits etc..

Air Conditioned
18th Jul 2005, 02:51
One assumes that it is not a crass racist insult if you can't spell Philippino..........

18th Jul 2005, 02:58
Samoans,Tongans,Fijians or any other nationality that the NZ All Blacks have to pilfer from to make a competitive rugby team.
Pot to kettle.... over.

whipping boy
18th Jul 2005, 09:21
Crass Racist Insult?

Last time I checked Paul Keating was not the PM anymore so forget your political correctness and stop cowering behind your pious holier than thou attitude.

For those that need me to explain further,the reference to "Philippinos" was an example of an intelligent workforce that will work for considerably less than others.How many international ship's crew come from the Philipines,how many people in HK have 'amahs' from there as well? How many Indians work in the middle east or answer our phones in call centres now.

My reference to the"Philippinos of the South Pacific" was a comparison between AUS and NZ wages and benefits,perhaps a little too cryptic for some. The kiwis will work for considerably less and are therefore an instant attraction to inept CEOs who know no other way to save costs other than to cut wages.

Anyway pull out the dictionaries grade three was the best three years of my life.