View Full Version : dayshift versus nightshift

5th Sep 2001, 08:44
Why is it that whatever company I work for they are always slagging off of the nightshift. (and vici-verci). :confused:

6th Sep 2001, 00:03
No your mistaken, youre thinking of Pengineers law which states
'The other shift are a bunch of c untz'

Note, this law still holds true even when you are transferred to the 'other shift'.


[ 05 September 2001: Message edited by: Pengineer ]

10th Sep 2001, 09:07
jealously. dayshift stand around scratching their balls while nightshift get the job done.

10th Sep 2001, 13:45
As I said it works both ways.
We had a nightshift superviser who transferred to days. When he was on nights, the dayshift were a bunch of lazy barstewards. Now the nightshift do "F**k ALL".
Must be his supervisory skills.
Any relation Peng?????????