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View Full Version : Well it's only up from here!

Mark Noble
11th Jul 2005, 17:58
I booked my intro flight at a smaller flight school in Dublin just there. Going up in a couple of weeks and flying with an Aer Lingus pilot no less so looking forward to it.

My bank account is already starting to feel nauseous ;)

11th Jul 2005, 18:59
Don't do it mate - it'll only be heartache from here on :(

Only messing - this game is the best above Earth and if you get the bug, prepare yourself for the biggest and and best rollercoaster that this life has to offer.

Have a grand one :)


Mark Noble
12th Jul 2005, 03:34

I truly appreciate how far there is to go but sure what the hell I'll never know if I don't try.

Flight school I was onto reckon they're pretty much full with students here at the moment but I'm hoping I can get in somehow..(shouldn't be that hard to get someone to take €170 an hour off me I would've thought!!).

12th Jul 2005, 08:00
holy shiyte, and here's me thinking NZ$135 an hour is a lot.

Mark Noble
12th Jul 2005, 15:07
I know...I might do an hour or two when there in Oct.

So what I'm paying is about NZD300!! That's Ireland for ya.