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View Full Version : Ozzy Grade one

11th Jul 2005, 10:29
Is there a shortage of Grade one instructors in OZ just seems there is quite a few job adverts looking for them,would it increase your worth to have this rating .
Do most just do the instructing for a few years then move on to better things hence the job ads.
Is it a hard rating to get..


Quick Release
11th Jul 2005, 16:27
G'Day BB.

Have not been in OZ working for a year or 2 so not sure there is a shortage or not but a grade one is always handy to have, keep in mind you must have your grade 2 to start with and 400 hrs as grade 2 and be recomended for the grade one by a CFI ( dont quote me ) i forget the fine details for the qualifications but easy to look up.
As far as getting the rating , no its not hard to get, i did mine with Julian S. from CASA and he was good and fair. took 3 hrs but went real quick. Know your Aero D' basic rules and how to use the Cars etc: know your privilages etc and thats it ( as i remember).
Some use it for hrs and move on, some like myself still instructing, depends on where you are happy, most i believe move on because of company and not directly the instructing, a happy pilot is a productive one.

I'll stop there, let us know if you want to know any more, help you if i can. cheers mate.